petition to make all Pokemon dragon types except for the ones that look like dragons
To be fair about nihilego being a rock type— You gotta remember that rock isn't just rocks, it's also gemstones, crystal and glass, lol.
Poor Tentacruel, being called a squid, even by people with Pokemon experience
Vikavolt out there deceiving everyone about it's speed since release
Asking people to guess the types of Ultra Beasts is just unfair.
2:26 reminder that yanma is over a meter long - a dragonfly that big irl absolutely would kick your ass, so I say Fighting is a fair guess here
Haha was kinda hoping you'd explain what the poison chain is from. "Oh yeah, this pokémon sold its soul." "To the devil?" "Nah, the closest thing to the devil in this setting is pretty chill unless you threaten the fabric of reality. Sould its soul to a poison peach." "Excuse me what--" The Porygon "screenshot" is fanart so you should probably link to the original. That first Umbreon color looks like the exact opposite of the real colors! The reaction to Morgrem is hilarious. Earlier they were expecting fairies to have wings and that told me they have a very specific image in their heads. "And from, like, Dark Souls or something" owwwwww
Raaah I love dragon Pokemon that don't look like conventional dragons
The longest video I ever made. Hope it was enjoyable and worth a like maybe? Thanks to my friends for participating in my shenanigans. Links to their stuff in the description.
I think it's funny how some of them say that certain Pokemon look like jellyfish, but they don't even consider that jellyfish are poisonous in real life too. XD
Loved the quiz! Even as a big pokemon fan, that fourth round was difficult!
Maybe a round could be to show some Pokémon and ask them to guess which one(s) are Pokémon Ash has caught. I guess it would test how quickly they can pick up on trends like all the birds he catches. As well as their ability to assess his shonen protag vibes but that one’s silly and subjective ahaha
For the next time you do this, I think itd be cool to have one segment where people have to guess Pokémon by name. Like list a bunch of Pokémon and ask them to pick which one is called Talonflame or something
Volunteers for the next instalment
To be fair, Ultra Beasts do have Pokemon Types, and fight like Pokemon with the same moves they're known to use, they can eat the same food as most Pokemon and be boxed like any other Pokemon, so it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it does everything the duck does just like a duck, maybe it's a duck
“Don’t you see that Flying Bug? It’s obviously a Ground Dragon” cracked me up 😂
12:32 The thing is that they share many characteristics with the pokemon, which, by definition, makes them also pokemon
The normal type is kinda just the "doesn't really fit into anything else" type. Rats, Cats, Bulls, Popstars, Curvy rabbits, Gigantic ancient robo golem things, Computer programs, More rats, GOD All just Normal.
I love the way you animated all their little chibi heads to go with the conversation! It was really well done and helped immensely with keeping track of everyone without distractions