That’s good to know. I have been worrying about my teeth being loose
I feel like my teeth are going to fall out 💀
I will still have anxiety from this 💀
I get my braces off today after almost 3 years. Got them as a freshman and now I’m almost a senior it’s crazy how time flew by
I like how this guy acts like he’s going to be mad and then he’s straight up I love this guy
Thank god you saved me from this depression bro 😅 i was feared with my loose tooth
oh my gosh thank you😭😭 i’ve been worried about it wondering why it’s getting lose😭
Bruh i had a nightmare yesterday that my teeth were falling one by one. 😅
As a 15 year old with braces it is true what they say about your teeth feeling loose with the braces, the ligaments holding your teeth in place are just stretching out so they can re adjust to the new position in which your teeth will be in, if you ever feel your teeth all wiggly jiggly with braces don’t worry this is just part of the process, oh and heads up when you get your wire changed after the 8 weeks of having the braces wire and when they take it off your teeth might feel a bit sore because you got used to the wire, it will go away once they put in the new wire. Hope that helped!☺️❤️
bone loss should be discussed when getting braces, seen so many people with braces have a ridiculous amount of bone loss afterwards
i literally had this problem tonight that’s why started watching these videos to double check my teeth are okay thank goodness
I feel like I’m delusional bc idk if my finger just moves or the tooth moves…
I just never know if he’s being sarcastic or not 😭
As a person with braces and I have been noticing my teeth to be loose this is very useful
They don't tell you that if you have root canalled teeth before getting braces or during the braces process. You can end up losing teeth from root absorption. I lost 2 teeth while using Invisalign.
im convinced this is the guy who takes care of his dreads
i wish i knew this while i had braces because i was actually TERRIFIED that my teeth would fall out
love your braces! you look awesome with braces! sure wish I could get braces!
This guy's original video made me realize, 4 years out of braces, that I am not longer experiencing the wiggly tooth sensation (no idea when it stopped).... But also told me the origin of my nightmares were some of my teeth randomly start falling out for no reason.