
wow that guy you were playing the campaign with sounds so handsome and cool I wanna be like him


I always appreciate when the creator puts a spolier free zone in the video


Halo holds some of my most fond co-op gaming memories. Thrilled to see it’s still a blast to run through with friends! Great vidya!


Never stopped playing and it's nice to see people come back. This game has gotten really good


If only my friends that were last online 10 years ago still played with me...

Additional information: Firefight is coming back later in the season. They seem to be bringing in an "arena" style firefight but not like the old style of choosing a map and having a proper playlist game mode for it. Who knows, it could be better. They have been pretty hush hush on it. I just want the old style personally. 

Seems like 343 is finally starting to understand how to update their game. For some, it may be too late. I will say that it's fun to jump in and out of multiplayer when I want to. With the addition of the new game modes and custom games giving XP in the new update I can actually see myself playing this from time to time to relax and have fun. I'm curious if they will stick with Infinite or just jump ship and move onto the next Halo game soon. Only time will tell...


Flood cosmetics honestly look great 
And leveling in custom matches will probably make me actually play this game


Husky Raid originated during Halo 3 Customs, the creator just though the name was cool. Husky Raid became part of Halo 4 Action sack, one of the most popular and fun playlists from that game, so it was brought back again for 5 and Infinite. Great video, btw.


I miss the credit system and customization of reach and their unique level titles for each rank. You could see a guy with an insane armor effect with base armor cause that’s what they cared about ppls armor really used to be super unique and tell a story


Definitely worth playing again, Halo finally feels alive once more, how I have missed this.


Job Security Is a Liiiiiiiie....

It's giving: Reach for the skyyyyyy


About the campaign stuff, several jobs have opened relating to the story such as writing director, and I heard from somewhere that 343 is starting to rebuild their campaign team!


This video feels extremely high quality man nice job! Gonna go binge the other vids on your channel now lmao they all look amazing


Biggest change Infinite needs at this point is an overhaul of the UI, it still feels really annoying to navigate.  I wanna talk smack in pre-game lobbies and look at each other’s player cards, too.


Amazing video once again, thank you


Husky Raid was a popular custom game back in Halo 4, at least that's when I first played it.


Glad you're enjoying the game! My wife and I play pretty frequently, She's new to the game but got her first killtacular a few nights back. Hit me up if you need 2 more spartans!


Firefight is definitely coming season 05


You are correct for feeling that the campaign is "off". It's because of the hellish development of the game that 2/3 of it got cut. The entire campaign experience we get to play is essentially act 1 of a 3-act story. That's why they tease a desert section at the end and show off Atriox before abruptly ending. It wasn't supposed to tease the next Halo you were supposed to get to play in that desert and Atriox would take over as the lead villain.


It's amazing to see how far the game has come since launch, and I'm glad people are beginning to realize how much better the game is now.


Halo wasn’t where it should be in 2021. We thought we lost our baby but we are SO back