Remember to practice ISS aswell!! I recommend starting with brute tigrex and moving up to furious and then temp furious!!😁 in a day I went from a 4 minute brute to a 2:33 TA wiki rules!!! It’s worth the practice!!
Good smooth movements, tip there is a lock on function in settings but most people don't use it because it hyper focuses the monster you target but you can set ut to lock on when you need ot to by tweeking the option around try it ,its saved me from alot of dives and nukes
Pretty slick bro keep up the training!
"Practicing perfection will take some time. The perfect slash will always land to make a mark." Virgil: Show me your motivation sees the Practice Virgil: There's hope yet
Now time to practice timing the Lai slash
The best punching bag in game
The thing that sucks is that when you follow it up with the spirit roundhouse slash you always get hit because monsters in master rank have multi stage combos and you can’t chain the invuln. I swapped to greatsword because it was becoming very annoying.
Yay for iframes 🔥
How do you go from foresight slash to the spirit roundhouse slash? Keep trying it but it won’t work
I honestly surprised that you can dodge roars
Now practice iai slash
Now do Iai slash
Pick up the swaxe
How is that attack done?
Bro i feel u i just picked up ls after maining sns and that evade is soo fun to use