
The Ultimate Epiphone is back! This time I am doing a couple of hardware mods!
Enjoy :)


Sure is less complicated than any other B bender I’ve seen. Looks like a great product.


Darrell. I just LOVE the quilted top on that Epiphone. What a gorgeous finish…


So, I just installed this on my Gibson Les Paul Tribute. I also installed a string butler and a bridge with roller saddles. I also have a Rolling Benders B Bender on my Strat. I used Rolling Benders string system which connects the Bender through a hole in the body to my belt, and I can absolutely say I prefer that system. It’s just easier to use. Also, I had to double up the felt washers on the fine tuner on the Easy Bender to keep it from rattling out of tune, which seems cheap to me. This will do in a pinch, but I definitely prefer systems that are not activated by my picking hand.


Honestly, this is the first time I’ve considered equipping one of my guitars with a B-bender. Thanks for using it in a way that’s more than just cliché Country/Western


I bet adding a roller saddle will improve tuning stability, especially the b - bender. Then the strings won't bind on the tune-o-matic bridge.


perhaps they could engineer a version which switched between bending all the strings simultaneously or just the B, that would be very interesting


I like that option better then routing a channel in the back of the body and having all that hardware installed and then hoping your strap doesn't break or slip off- very slick


To avoid tuning issues I'd put a roller bridge on to avoid friction at the bridge


The ultimate epi les Paul build is probably one of my favorites of yours. Such a versatile guitar.


Youre always reviewing the coolest new stuff, i was very interested in this thanks!


Hey, Darrell! You're a mad lad, and I absolutely love it!


When you think of all that drastic surgery back in the say to get a b bender and its here no muss no fuss - it just works and looks beautiful


Not really my style of music but I can see a country guy making that sound amazing


I never realised how much I needed this. Amazing!


First thought that jumped into my head once I saw what this device does was "This is cool but if we're going to this level of tech why stop with just the B string?" I mean, I bend a lot on every string, and sometimes two at a time (as for a double-stop unison bend). I guess Dirk's reasoning is that with a typical trem/vibrato you're actually changing tension and therefore pitch of ALL the strings at once, even if you're only meaning to alter the pitch of one string at a time. So making this gadget strong enough to affect all strings at once would require much more net spring resistance to balance it and therefore it would need to be more complex, and there goes the beauty of such a simple, slap-on accessory that doesn't force you to drill or cut on your guitar. I bet this unit is not cheap to buy. If it was capable of working for say the G, B and E simultaneously then that's where I might start to be interested in buying one for my own Les Paul. But for one string only, chosen by someone else, it's a one-trick pony that seems like a solution in search of a problem. I'm not interested at all in a big ugly Bigsbee on my LP. If I need a trem for a particular song I'll play my Schecter w/FR. Now the universal quick-install String Butler? THAT is a genius idea and product.


I've been loving that LesPaul for years! Beautiful!


I have both Easy B-Bender and the new V1 String Butler and they are great well made. B-Bender super fun and you can play pedal steel type licks. It does take a little time getting use to it and understanding when to tastefully use it. Basically you can bend a major chord into a major 6th ( full tone ) 
You can also bend into a minor chord or a minor 6th chord. If you set it up to only go 1/2 step then you can bend into sus chords. 
Enjoy your vids D


The string butler isn't centered perfectly. :D
But it's a great idea!


Thanks for this excellent intro to two interesting options for upgrading a couple guitars I have!  And at $119 for that B-Bender, it’s a lot less expensive than others I’ve seen.

Again, thanks and best wishes for happy holidays!