
The wahoo element bolt has been a work horse for me, highly recommend. Map and turn by turn are the only weak points, but it gives me all the data I need, is small but not too small, and might be the most reliable bike “thing” I’ve had for the last +3 years.

Watch it die on me now that I’ve made this comment.


Chose to go with the oddball Hammerhead Karoo 2 and honestly the Navigation and the screen are so good. Defenitely no regrets.


I've had an Element Bolt for about 3 years and can't imagine buying a new head unit unless one with really top notch turn-by-turn comes out


You are the first person I've heard (other than myself) who specifically does not want a touchscreen on a cycling computer for EXACTLY the reason you cited. After a long ride it can take 5 minutes or more for me to dry off enough to use my phone at all. Just give me buttons. Consistent, reliable buttons.


Went with a Bolt, now have a Roam. Can't complain with either. Never an issue with either of them. The few earlier Garmin's from 3-4yrs back had issues for me.


Wahoo for the win.  

When I was first looking for a bike computer in 2019, the Garmin people would say, "It works great, but sometimes it doesn't record my ride", or whatever.

Never had one issue with my Wahoo, and I now have 3 of them. The first was the big blocky one, and my wife uses that.  I have the two newer ones, the super small one for rides where I know where I'm going (most of them), and the one slightly larger in case I will need use maps.


I've had a Garmin 520 for almost 9 years now. The battery still lasts more than 7 hours, no touch screen, and it does everything you demonstrated on the Trimm, plus you can put only the numbers you want on any page and the font scales to make the fields as large as will fit. Weight is 62g and it speaks both Ant+ and Bluetooth. I consider it "peak bike computer."


I have a Wahoo element bolt V2 and i really like the small size and weight of it, yet the screen is really clear in all weather (even in full sunlight)


Man that editing from 0:45 and the music! That was nice. Also – Karoo 2 one love. But I just like that gorgeous screen and the weight is not my problem)


Avocet bike computer with the magnet on the spokes is where I started.  Looking forward to getting the Trim one as my first computer of the modern era!  Thanks for the great info as always!


the 130 Plus is my absolute favorite.   Simple, small, decent battery life, and has room for all my data screens I use.


i just got my hands on a karoo 2 last christmas. i love it. the software is just great.


Wow this whole time I've had my laptop mounted to my bike this whole time :(


Went from Garmin 510 to 530 to 1040.  Loving the 1040, have no problem with the touch triggering in rain or sweat and the features are amazingly good.  25+ hour battery life is just bonkers and the ability to run user made apps is just icing on the cake.


Not disclosing in the video that this is a paid advertisement is disgustingly dishonest.


been using the wahoo element for a few years now and love it. it has all the features i need, good battery life, easily customizable pages including maps/routes, a planned workout page that integrates very well with TR workouts, and you can create as many additional pages with as little as 1 metric or up to like 10 metrics on them. Plus with the custom pages, you can have multiple saved pages, but enable/disable the ones you want to use at any time. So for crits i may only have 1 page enabled so its always on that screen, but on long group rides or workouts you can turn on the other pages to see different information that may be relevant to what you want for that day.


Still rocking my Garmin 510 bought in 2015.  The battery is still good for at least 10 hours. When it finally dies I will definitely get another Garmin 5xx.


Repeating multiple comments on here already, but Wahoo ftw. I had the original ELEMNT until my dog destroyed it, got the BOLT as a replacement and now have the ROAM 2. I've been running Beta for most of the time I've had it and only had one crash where I lost a ride. In my experience, Wahoo's are rock solid while I've talked to plenty of people with Garmin and you never know when it just won't record a ride or an update completely borks your computer.
On a side note, Wahoo's customer support is top notch. When my dog chewed up my original ELEMNT they actually offered to let me send it in to them and see if it could be repaired. Unfortunately it had already gone in the trash, because what company is going to offer to repair an electronic device my dog chewed up, and of course trash pickup was that same day. But that offer cemented me as a customer probably for as long as I'm riding.


I got the edge 520plus second hand for like 70 bucks. Works awesome. I like that when you use less fields, the text gets bigger. Great video!


I tried a few out, and without a doubt the best one I used and purchased, was the Wahoo Bolt V2. The interface, hands on operation, with or with out fingered gloves, the lack of a useless touch screen, just the right size, all made this the hands down winner for me. Not saying the only good bike computer, I'm not brand loyal or sponsored, as there are several that will do the job effectively, but it does it better than any other one..