
Full video above the title!


Yeah those false β€œgods” don’t want no smoke with the almighty God πŸ’ͺ🏾 praise his name for he is the Lord our God Amen πŸ™πŸΎ


Even the Viking Gods. I've been thinking about this connection a lot. Great video πŸ™‚


No one is above our heavenly father for all Glory is with him praise God Lord ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀


One thing you don't want to do is make God mad he's not just all loving he is terrifying and beautiful at the same time he is also a destroyer so there's something to think about..


Yes they are and that why so many celebrities worship them , just like cern havin shevia out side their building


Can you imagine how different it was then that these fallen was here plus the children and the flood that came and we talk of having a rough day


Not just Egyptian "gods".
They were all over the place.


According to Enoch 200 watchers, fell to earth, took wives, ruled as gods, but God divided lands for each to rule, they then stuffed up taught humanity war, music, makeup, crafting of weapons, spells etc, and had children with the daughters of men giving birth to the Nephilim. We all know how that turned out (global flood). However we must note, God rules over the Divine Council and He divided whom ruled what land - Isaiah 6 and Psalms 82.


Amen Love you Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Great point and the love is the invite to the physical world and there is a protector for sure


I've known this for Many Years ‼️


They Egyptian gods were both fallen angels and some of their offspring the hybrids! That's why some of the Egyptian gods look like hybrid beings because some of them were! 

The same thing applies to the Greek and Roman gods which are secretly the Catholic Saint's, The Hindu gods, the African Orishas, the Wiccan Celtic and Norse gods, are all fallen angels. Also the 360 pagan gods worshipped by the Arab peninsula before Mohammed forced them into Islam. 

Even though all of these gods have been worshipped by the ancestors of their nations for generations none of these gods are the actual Principalities of these nations or the top fallen angel in charge! For example the top God over India is a Siren, a female Goddess and all those other god's in that country answer to her and she answers directly to her master Satan. 

The top god over the Greek and Roman gods, the main god over Roman Catholics is also a Siren. This one in particular is the most powerful Siren of all. The Queen of Heaven. Mary is actually her real name but she is not the mother of Jesus, she is a devil who Satan put to rule over the 2nd Heaven above our atmosphere! She is the Goddess the the Roman priesthood and their nuns really worship. She is also the commander of the false Archangels who the Roman Catholics pray to like St. Michael. No Angels are known as Saint's in the kingdom of the Lord. These Archangels that are prayed to in the Roman Catholic Church are fallen angels.


Yes. I'm gonna speak it out clear & see what sticks. Egyptian gods ARE fallen angels. And wow! For all the "gods" there are named, there must also be a sheer plethora of fallen angels posing as these....


Wow 😳 AMEN πŸ™πŸ™Œ


Why is god white he is not a man he is a supreme spirit


Even demons know God and tremble


Praise my Heavenly Father GOD ✨ amen πŸ™πŸ½


Yes they was. And they used magnetism to move shit around too. All the pyramid civilisations all connected. All existed on Pangaea, along with "dinosaurs" and apparently Africa had its own Atlantis (eye of the sahara) so guess you could say they really did have a Wakanda type civilisation that was powered by an electromagnetic arc reactor


Interesting πŸ€” thanks! πŸ’―πŸ™