lmao cutest "get rekt" i've heard
Fubuki your kurokami is showing
Wow this one's and oldie but gold. It's funny that FBK's English is just about the same when mimicking Eng VAs after all theses years. Absolutely adorable as ever
It's crazy to me how native her pronunciation of "get rekt" sounds. It's straight up perfect.
Those doses of Fubuglish are dangerously adorable.
I now want to add that "Get Rekt" part to every clip where Fubuki friendzones chat.
“Why don’t you ask Fubuki to be your wife. The worst thing she could say is ‘no’.” Fubuki:
out of all her english phrases here. her "get rekt" was the most natural sounding of them all lol
0:52 I'm so proud of this cat
I always forget how good fubuki is at apex
In the next HoloGra, Fubuki suplexes Miko then teabags her unconscious body
HAHAHA fubuki is too precious
There are two foxes within you. One calls you friend, the other calls you scrub.
I was going in fully expecting “gettu lektu” but was immediately proven wrong
Her English gets better every time I see her.😊
The clutch was amazing. 1v5 in open field, she is a real gamer.
0:49 Botan you got some competition!
Fubuki playing Apex while practicing her English is too cute
Its only a matter of time before they learn other phrases like you're trash, seethe, mald, ratio + no maidens.