
The best way to reduce screen time: https://clear-space.app.link/nate
(trust me, it works)


I need to stop justifying my YouTube addiction by saying it´s educational or valuable and so on.. I´m an addict!


How to cure phone addiction 
step 1 : Buy a PC
step 2 : Get addicted to your PC instead 
It works very well on me


like he said in the beginning "Don't get me wrong, phones have plenty of uses" 
You see THAT is where the problem lies, productivity and distraction exist on the same device!!


Who else watched this video on their phone...?


I remember only charging my phone once a week when I was a kid. Nowadays, I have to charge every single day💀


It’s wild that something can be so helpful and so harmful at the same time


The fact that he had “only” 6 hours of screen time a day and talks about addiction made me realize that I really do have a problem lmao


I'm watching this on my phone while taking a shit. I've delayed the wiping by atleast 10 minutes. Both of my feet have fallen asleep and i know the terror that awaits me when i finally stand up and walk on these sleeping log stumps


Here is how I did it:

1. Charge your phone overnight to get it to 100%
2. When you wake up unplug it 
3. That's all the charge you get for the day, no recharge. You have to use it wisely, once its dead it's dead for the day.
4. When you go to bed repeat the cycle

After a while it really does show a difference :)

Edit: some people are saying they have a big battery, then I suggest doing this over a week, like not charging your phone other than on Saturday nights.


5 things that helped me:

1: Delete social media accounts and apps that serve no purpose other than zombie mode entertainment.

2: Turn off vibrations, noises and notifications. If it is something really important, the person who needs you will just call you.

3: Ask yourself; "What could I be doing right now that would be a better way to spend my time, with more meaning, and that I enjoy?".

4: Buy a watch. Seriously. Dewit.

5: Don't use your phone within 1 hour after you've waken up, and don't use your phone within 1 hour before bed.


Youtube is showing me how to stop the addiction, I wouldnt have without Youtube.


I literally use my phone 14-15 hours per day. My grades are just dropping like crazy from like 98s to 80s. I wanna stop but I'm just too dependent on it cuz it's kinda my way of coping with my ugly mental health.


“How I cured my phone addiction”

watching on my phone at 4:30 am


The best advice I could give, is always be busy. You can only be addicted to your smartphone if you have the time to use it. Some people are always on their phones and don’t prioritize the things they should. If you have work, do work, not use your phone. Remain objective.


It's amazing how addictive smartphones are. The other day I forgot mine at home and it drove me nuts. We've become a society where attention deficit disorder has become a learned behaviour and not just an issue some people are born with. Great video 🥺☘️


I am addicted to reading COMMENTS on YouTube. I literally spend hours and i don't even watch any videos just scrolling down comments😭😭😭😭


Who else is here during quarantine, because their screen time went like: 📈📈📈


It would be so helpful if Instagram would make the "recommended for you page" an optional feature. Because I love the idea of following my friends and seeing what they're up to. But I don't want to look at random content, I just end up scrolling endlessly watching medium entertaining things.


Based on my experience :

1). Being an introvert, I always hated to talk with someone in any social media platform so it gave me less interest to use social media apps ( facebook, instagram, etc.) and after some months I deleted those apps.

2). I always kept my phone's battery less than 30% after I figured out its addiction is hazardous to my lifestyle and later, I daily felt less motivated to use phone because of my phone's battery.

And that's how I have cured my phone addiction.

One thing I want to add is I still use youtube for learning and knowledge purpose but it doesn't affect anything bad to my daily routine.