Thank you 🙏, I appreciate what you make! For this age U06 U07-12. Very important and needs so many outdoor games for warmups. And varieties of exercises in the situational games, 1x1 or 2x1 +gk. the opponent from the back or on the side. These are the contemporaries methods now😊
Thank you I needed this for my session tonight full of 4 and 5 year olds !
This is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm coaching my first team, rec GU08 and this looks like a great day one session. I notice it's very dribble/shot heavy, can you post a passing session that would compliment this video at this level? Pratice starts next week! I'm excited but also nervous.
Thanks Coach, ¡gracias! When I have a new group I tried to avoid races/competitions (winners/losers) and use "time trials": "Can you go around soccer island in less than 20 seconds?", for example. Then I say: "Everybody made it in less than 20 seconds!!!".
Hey Rory You smashed it again. Thanks I'm currently on u8, so I'm introducing them to formation, positioning and shape akin to your u9 system.
Thank you for this video! This is very helpful and you gave very doable drills! Thanks Coach Rory 👊🏻
Thanks for your great videos and greetings from Germany! I for myself have no football background, I am a judo teacher for 25 years, but my 7 year old son decided to play football 😉 I love the game, but all I know, I know from TV but I want to support my son as good as possible. So I would like to ask if you have some advices or maybe can do a video about the goalkeeper in youth 7v7 games? That would be great, because that is a topic where it's hard to find any good material. Best Regards!
Thank you for the content. I am a coach. I was the academy director for my club. So I coached usually 3 teams and also helped other coaches that were coaching in the u6-u10 age groups. I ended up getting pretty burned out and frustrated with my club following a merger with another club . I ve taken a long break and now feel ready to start coaching again. I really appreciate your content. Do you have any advice for choosing a club?
Hi coach your content is so amazing and game oriented Is there any cooldown needed for this session And also tell some more variations
Thank you for this information
thank u coach.....❤❤
I think this is a great video for U5/U6 and maybe U7. Do you plan on putting anything together anything for U8s? I am coaching a girls team now and would love some new practice regimens to run through with them that are a little more advanced. Thanks!
I have a select u9 team they are all new to soccer I’m used to coaching older boys so I am having a hard time helping them, I feel like I’m failing them. I am trying I do drills, and make it fun but the boys are at a red level and are getting destroyed in league.
7:19 doesn’t this go against the “no lines” rule?