I feel like it would have been easier to cut these shapes out of plexiglass and hot glue them together
Engineer here. If this filled up slowly with water, with minimal friction, 3 and 4 should fill up at the same time. There's a lot of viscosity and turbulence which kinda skewed the result. But I'm happy to see people play with fluid dynamics!
never told me to stop doing a handstand, currently typing with my feet.
The problem is, the answer depends on viscosity and flow rate. Assuming that you're trickling water in (and the colliders are correct 😁), the answer will always be "the lowest connected tank will fill first". That's just high school physics. If you're blasting honey in at a million gallons a second, then how wide the pipes are and how much they slow the fluid down starts to matter a lot. Your simulation is more on the "honey" side.
Brother could've done all of it in 5 minutes in Powder Toy but he decided to do it in unity, and honestly, that dedication is impressive.
These always frustrated me because of 2 major reasons, the first being what they would consider full, like at what water level would it be full? The 2nd is because of the flow rate, how quickly would you be filling them? Because the speed absolutely matters, if you have a super fast fire hose of water going, then tank 1 will always fill up first, if you have a slow drizzle that always allows the water level to equalize, then you actually will often find that there are 2 tanks that should fill up at basically the same time, it's just so dependent on a few variables that it's not clear cut.
I think the fluid physics is bad here. If the particles were smaller the lowest connected pools would get filled quicker.
Close enough, welcome back Code Bullet
I love the code bullet vibes
4:20 Either the pressure isn't big enough to fill it up with water quick enough, or the simulation isn't made to be accurate with long small pipes.
FIrst time seeing this channel, at 0:20 hearing Swing That Music jumpscared me, I didnt think I'd hear it in the wild
kinda crazy that this is your first video, I'm genuinely wondering if this is one of those big youtuber tries to grow a new channel from scratch to see how hard it is things
Absolute cinema. On a serious note though, I love seeing new channels pop up with genuinely cool content! Hope to see more, you have my subscription
this wide ass ai generated einstein in the beginning of the last puzzle threw me off so bad 😭😭😭
Geniuses only
0:56 i taught i had ran an instance of pvz1 for a sec
5:00 the reason why there's a line there blocking it from leaving 5 is because the person giving the "puzzle" is supposed to say "HA! You thought you understood fluids and that 3 would fill up first! But! I'm smarter because I drew a line there and you didn't notice! So you're wrong and I'm smarter than you!" basically, that
I love how for the diagonal pipe in #3 he used ten different colliders instead of rotating 2 to fit the pipe.
Personally, i would have put colliders over the tops of the jars to stop them from overflowing like that