I understand that many people will not read this. But I hope you're having a better day today than you did yesterday. You've come this far. Don't give up now. Continue to push. God's blessings!
I am now at a hospital where I have been at since november 15 last year. I use this music to calm down and relax before and during each treatment. Today I have had my last treatment so I just want to say thanks for making and sharing this wonderful music with us all on Youtube!
6 hours long. No sudden screaming adverts in between. Perfect. Thank you 🙏🏼
I play this in my classroom. The kids love the photos, and the music calms them. They won’t admit to liking my spa music, but they do request it at times!
Having a spa day at home with my two daughters (6&3) and we play this in the background and love it! Highly suggest this to other moms with kids for a fun and relaxing activity at home! It is extremely important that we teach our children of all ages male or female how to relax and get some “me” time even as a family
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I am sending my love to the universe so that I can reach you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My mom isn’t having the easiest time with her job during this pandemic...so I treated her to an at-home spa day! She said everything was very calming...especially the music!!
hey, you. whoever’s reading this, this is your sign. everything’s gonna be okay. you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you ❤️
Coming up in the anniversary of my daughter's passing. I have an at home sauna where I just found your music and it helps me remember beautiful warm memories. Very uplifting and healing. Thank you.
As a person who’s re-learning control over emotions & feelings of anxiety, this music is very calming to my spirit. My birthday is tomorrow 10/12/2022, I’m turning 22 yrs young. Super happy I’m able to reset my energy before I step into 22 years of life. 🌅🙌🏽
I have been going through a tough time with my mental health lately, I have discovered this tonight and it's really helped me to calm down and be in the moment. I feel a warmth come over me that I haven't felt in years, my mind is as clear as it's been in a long long time and I also feel fresh and this is so powerful. Thank you for this wonderful relaxing music it's so good for the soul and will help loads of people going through tough times whether mentally or physically so thank you
Dear those who are reading this message, if you are having a hard time, remember that you are not alone and never give up. I wish you health, success, love and happiness! 💖🎵
My comment will probably get lost but whoever reads this.. you got this! whatever you are going through will get better hang in there ❤️💯
Just lay in bed after a shower, got some coconut oil, switched off the lights and massaged my entire body to this. My back desperately needed a massage and I went with. Thank you for this beautiful, calming music
Every time I listen to this beautiful spa video ,I imagine myself in heaven walking a towards the lord Jesus , Love you lord
You’ve got this! Don’t give up! It’s hard most of the time but those fractions that aren’t speak volumes! Be brave! Life is tough but you are tougher!!
I do home facial services. I play this everytime i give treatments to my customers 🥰
I am giving my dad a spa day for Father’s Day and I am playing this. He loves it. He is almost asleep.
Good Evening, Everyone! I have a rambunctious spirit and have always been drawn to uplifting positivity. As I age, I find myself not only seeking it out. Nevertheless, allowing it to just be when I find it. I am somehow connected to it. Be Blessed Everyone. And love each other, this is the way God intended it to be.