It's around 1928: Flag maker: "South Africa, how many flags within flags do you want again?" South Africa: "Yes!"
1:06 Portuguese Finland
Meanwhile Denmark hasnt changed for 500+ years
I wish China kept its dragon flag.
8:26 I suddenly want a pint of Guinness stout.
Hello from 🇫🇷 I always learned that the blue and red was for the colors of the capital, Paris and the white for the monarchy. We have to read "the capital of Paris surround the monarchy".
For South Africa, the current flag still has some features of the Dutch flag aswell as of the British flag.
Each color in south africa flag has a meaning Black:for black(Indian,colored people) White:the white people Green:the vast land Blue:the sky Red:the blood from youths day (june 16th ) Yellow:the gold
Interesting video - looking forward to more of these. For the section on Egypt, it is worth noting that there were some quite distinctive transitional flags historically. During the Ottoman and British colonial periods, for example, and immediate post WW2 dynasty (before the adoption of the pan Arabic colours). This included the use of Turkish influenced red flags, as well as green and white in some subsequent ones.
The flags of certain south american nations are also cool, like how the flag of Bolivia at one point was red and had emblems of Peru and Bolivia, the Brazilian flag started as the empire of Brazil.
Very interesting video as always, thank you! One small thing though, around 10:00, it's pronounced "VAIR-ee-unts" instead of "vuh-RYE-unts". 😉
6:50 The new SA flag clearly still has the red/white/blue of the Dutch flag in the background, with another layer on top of it, merged via Union Jack-inspired diagonals. This layer uses the green that is common in the Transvaal flag, adding black and yellow for a complete pan-African colour palette (see the flags of Ethiopia and Ghana). You say there is no obvious connection to older flags, but that seems like a pretty clear connection; the only unclear connection is the shape. 9:30 Should've mentioned that orange=Protestant is because orange=Netherlands=Protestant, otherwise the connection between the colour and the religion doesn't make any sense.
Do you prefer the old or new flags of these countries?
Anything about Macau anytime soon? Great stuff as always mano👍 I spot some similarities with Irish vs Portuguese flag!!!
Yes for a video for all the flags of Afghanistan! :D
loved it. please do more flags!!!!!
Germany changed quite a bit over time. From the HRE to the Kaiserreich to the weimar republic to the Nazis and finally to the modern German flag. Also of course East Germany
You got Ireland’s Military Standard flag wrong. That’s the Naval Jack of Ireland.