
I will learn this TODAY! GOD BLESS


мастер браво тебе )) постоянно смотрю твои видео и рс уважением к мастеру передаю из России привет ) продолжай )))


You are insane bro. My guitar career is just a dream


El vídeo más fácil y mejor explicado que he visto 👍👏👏💃🕺


Um amigo me ensinou isso em 1998, e somente hoje eu vi alguém ensinando o mesmo. Like. 👏


Impressive 🎉


Que bien lo haces, enhorabuena y gracias por dejar que lo veamos y aprendamos.👌


Los acordes:
Ella tiene más de una razón🗣️🔥🔥🔥


OMG what that I could I will try. God bless thank you so much for showing us.


That's easy to do :3
Thx for ur lessons, they're so easy for me :3


😊 Wow! So nice of you to show in slow motion how to strum and display the chords as well! Thank you. 😊


I loved this


Wow this looks like fun, and simple for someone who doesn't know much lol. The tuning'll probably get me


Спасибо! Научился, ещё закреплю и вообще бомбический будет, только не пойму как под неё поют ))


this video helped me a lot, thank you very mucho ♥️


Keep going dude you are amazing❤


I'm gonna try this now it looks very dooable thanks man appreciate it 🙏




I am currently learnings this i will be back after mastering Rumba technique


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