
I just love you Britt your amazing you make me smile everyday! If I'm in a bad mood or sad I just watch your videos or listen to yours songs! Love you Britt


bedtime around 3 or 4am 
sounds about right! 🌟


I love the morning and night scenes where she's all sleepy LOL


Loved that the concert part of the video was in Utah! πŸ˜… That concert was so amazing. πŸ’œ


Yay! New video! Thanks for sharing!!


This is so cool Britt!  I really hope to meet you in person someday.


Awe! No fair! I wanna win a contest to hang out with Britt for a day! Hahah. I need to find out how to enter one of those. But I did have a chance to meet her briefly when she signed my poster at celebrate freedom. She was super sweet even though we only spoke for a few seconds. Lol. Plus I was first line so that was fun. :D


was that Hollyn at the coffe place when Britt was taking a sip of coffe?!!!!!!!


lovin these BTS vids! :)


She is so pretty!!πŸ˜πŸ’•


4th! YAAAAAAAY!!!! Awesome video! I AM GOING TO SEE YOU!!!!!!! (I don't know when, but you know, I'm determined)


Hollyn's here too!!!!!


that was awesome thanks for sharing. have fun


WAS THIS SALT LAKE CITY?! If so, I met her that night!!!


That introπŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Britt, this is Maria Reyes, HI I'M FROM UPLAND


Britt  Maria Again, were you shopping at VICTORIA GARDENS CALIFORNIA


What is that song? ❀