
Listener from Philippines muslimah... Everyday I watch ur videos ,


Me & My Cousin Is The Only Muslims In My Family & The Youngest In The Family I Hope My Whole Family Become Muslim Alhamdulillah ☝🏾💚


As a new Muslim, I really learned a lot of things about Allah SWT and how to become a good Muslim.. May Allah SWT bless you always wherever you go to share the words of Allah SWT.


I'm Christian ..I read the Quran six  years and compare to the bible. Alhamdulillah 24 years ago ..I'm now convert to  Islam..Syukur Ya Rabb . Jennifer..Allah swt bless u life..Amin..


I'm a Christian but  when I start watching and lestineng to you....i have my peace of mind....thank you


I am a brother from maiduguri (Nigerian) saying salaamun alaikum,may Allah bless and accept it from you as an acts of righteousness (ibadah)& incerase you in faith, wisdom, knowledge, and patient.


A Christian here listening to the wisdom our brother is spreading to each and everyone his words reach. I am so thankful I came across his videos today for the frist time ,  I'm am not in a good place at the moment but our creator has put me in the right path and in him I shall trust.


I'm Christian but when I'm starting to watching this vedio I feel better and I'm bless now Alhamdullilah I'm all ready converted to Islam 🤲


I feel so happy that people like Mufti Menk exist.....


I'm a legionary Christian since primary school.. But when I started to watch and listen this conference I feel comfort my all pain release feel better while I do my work I didn't notice that I'm done my work.. Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah soon I become a muslim 🙏🙏🙏


I was born Christian, but I found his teaching and Lectures so Inspirational, it teaches me a lot! And thank GOD for letting me found HIM on face book and youTube. May GOD, give you longer life to help and inspire more people.)


this man is always positive. May Allah bless him,.................Ameen


صلو على رسول الله ..


I’m new convert hopefully Allah forgive my sins and hope we will hajj this year im Evelyn erispe islam name give me jamila


Subhanallah, what a great message. You empower my role as a wife , mother and sister to my siblings. Alhamdulillah


When you speak, you speak from a place of Truth, simply and effortlessly because you know; which means you have been told. Since you are simply repeating to us what you were told, that would make you: Allah’s Beautiful Echo. Peace to you Honorable Mufti Menk. Your voice helps so much. Thank you for setting an earthly waypoint for a normal human Black man to learn how to stand upright and to spend each second of each day with God, the great fulfiller of our infinite supply and demand. “Alif-lam-mim”; you certainly do not waste your access to the all-wise. Always shine your light, I’m confident that paradise you will achieve. Allah please Will it, Alhamdullilah…Alhamdullilah. 


I always feel happy when listening to u


Iv been watching you since I became a Muslim Alhamdulilah and bother you have helped me so much I just wanted to let you know how your positivity is contagious and I’m very thankful to be able to watch and learn Jazakallah 😇


Am a new Moslem but I learned more from this mufti may Allah bless him alot


Sheikh Mufti Menk, we hope you can visit again to the Philippines in the near future. The Muslims here love you so much.