Smokey Yunick didn’t gain 1-2 gallons of fuel from the fuel line trick. He gained like 10 gallons. He had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet in the roll cage.
I'm British and grew up watching Formula 1, so watching other European open wheel series was an easy switch for me. I used to be one of those people who mocked ovals for being nothing but turning left. Then I watched Indycar and I got why ovals are incredible. Then I stumbled onto your videos and got curious. I gave the 2020 Daytona races a try. Now I'm watching every Cup and Xfinity race I can find (which is pretty much everything back to 2015). I still prefer open wheel circuit racing but I'm loving bingeing Nascar, and I'll never hear a bad word said about oval racing again. So count me as one of the people you've converted into a Nascar fan.
Many years ago, when I used to compete on a regional level, we kinda made fun of the guys who ran ovals. You only turn left, how hard can it be? Well, I got my answer when I agreed to run an event on a 1/2 mile asphalt oval. It was and still is the single most frightening thing I've done in a car. On a road course you pop the corner and go on to the next one. Not on an oval. The corner never ends, or so it seems. Additionally, what you see in front of you is a concrete wall splattered with the paint of the cars that crashed into it. It's SO intimidating and extremely challenging. Never ran on oval again and never will. I have the highest respect for the drivers and the crews.
"Cheating is celebrated by fans-" Also fans: DaRn ChEaTiN tOyOdErS
Me and my dad was at the 2013 coca cola 600 when the cable broke and the race stops so we where listening to the driver on a scanner an Bowyer was talking about peeing on the side of a highway
i'm 7 seconds in and this is already a banger
Very refreshing perspective! As an old Nascar fan from the 60's I really enjoyed how ya laid that out. 👍👍🏁🏁 Love the stuff about Junior and Smokey. They were some hard ole knots.
The oldest driver to start a nascar sanctioned race is Herschel Mcgriff from oregon at the age of 90.
Slight oversight on Top Notch Cheaters: Gary Nelson was so good NASCAR Hired him to sniff out cheaters. Athletes? Many decades ago there was a series of athletic challenges: 'Battle of The (Insert demographic here)'. Bobby Allison participated once and when asked about his and other drivers true athlete status he told the story of his heat training. He also mentioned something I found very interesting and has stuck with me all these years. He said that race car drivers of all stripes could do something with ease that many in the general public could not do. That was, glance at a rotating 33 1/3 record on a player and read the label. (Yes, I have that ability, lol.)
Mark Martin won 5 races in a single season at age 50.... Imagine if he had been driving a car of that quality his entire career.
2:41 or as the late Eddie Guerro would say: "if you're not cheating, you're not trying"
Finally, something to show people who say “haha you watch NASCAR, why would you ever do that?”
Dang, all the NASCAR Youtubers be uploading rn. Honestly doesn’t surprise me. WE GOING RACE TOMORROW!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO
Who else knew everything on the video but still enjoyed it? Edit: Holy crap this is my most liked comment!
Bro slap shoes literally single handedly keeps nascar history afloat
That intro was GODLY
When you talked about radio swearing, I like how you pointed to Clint Boywer's crew chief. Nice touch🤣🤣🤣
I'm a lapsed fan of the sport, from the early-mid 2000s. But your videos are so goddamn good it's got me considering jumping back in. That, and how bad the Lions have been.
I've been a big NASCAR fan for over 20 years, and even though I know about most of the stuff you're talking about, you always make it super interesting. Keep up the great work man!! Take care!!