
I had a friend from Iceland in college who moved to the US for school- and I’ve never met a more stable and well spoken, smart man. Also politically it sounds like Iceland cares for its people unlike the US. Plus he said each student in Iceland becomes fluent in several languages by the time they graduate Highschool (or at least at the level where they could communicate in that language decently)


People in iceland are the most polite, literate and most well spoken folks I have ever met in my life. Before you even dabble moving to iceland, just know that the most annoying thing Icelanders do not like to hear when they call to a business place is "eg tala ekki islensku". Lots of foreigners who stay in iceland are learning icelandic and some folks are not even trying to learn icelandic and they are just there to get a paycheck and use english as their primary language of communication. While not necessary to learn icelandic to get a job, its important to know that is their national language and if you plan on getting a professional job in Iceland that will pay a lot more, you best know some basic/mid level icelandic as some business discussions are done in icelandic and english. If you work for a company that is owned by a danish company, expect to hear icelandic/danish and english across the room. Overall, iceland is the most ideal place to raise a child. Been there so many times and have family of kin that kids were rarely on electronics. They were either reading or watching something on tv that is actually educational. Rarely, cartoons were only on for younger kids.


I’m an American who lived in Iceland from 2016-2019 for work and when I left I was
More ready to go.


I'm 78 year old Icelander and I can agree with your comment because I as an elder person who have paid taxes and pension fee to the community have experienced the same problem in the health care, but we can not control the time of the sunrise and sunset but I think the the main reason is too many reputes who came to our country and were not willing to work nor align with our community just get the benefit of our social service. We welcome people who want work and get better life like the 30 thousand Polish and other eastern Europeans who have immigrated in the last 20 years.


Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!


Before being too excited to live in Iceland
-  Iceland is the second most expensive country in the world after Swiss
-  Icelandic is a hard language to learn 
But I won’t move away from Iceland


10 reasons not to move to Iceland:   1. The housing market is so crowded if one studio apartment is advertised, it gets 400 applications and it is extremely expensive. 2. The healthcare system has collapsed and just getting appointment at doctor is often weeks when it used to be few days. There is so much stress on healthcare workers, they just quit. 3  The police force is also overloaded with subjects and do not seem to care about people when something is stolen. 4. Though it is still safe,  it is  less safer than before. 5. The food is expensive. 6. The weather is not the best and very often windy and cold.  7. There are already 12.000 or more men in the country than women (3-4%) so the gender difference is not balanced and it is almost only due to immigration. 8. It has become less welcoming and more xenophobic in recent years. 9. During the winter the days become dark very early and sunlight is limited. 10. It is very difficult to become sustainable and try to grow food unless you get yourself a good greenhouse and equipment which is expensive as everything.   I can mention many more but i guess Iceland is just a little tribe in the north and if everyone wants to move there  it doesn't stay as good as everyone thinks.


What is missing from every report is the clean, crisp air. It is priceless.


I can think of another reason to move to Iceland - politics!

The Government in Iceland takes no prisoners when it comes to the job of government. During the global financial crash of 2008, the Prime Minister resigned, and the replacement Government put the bankers responsible on trial. When the US Government came knocking to find out what was going on, the Icelandic Government told them to "go forth and multiply"!


“The grass is always greener in someone else’s yard” comes to mind…


I have seen this philosophy throughout the Nordic countries. It’s not actually the WHERE you live it’s the HOW❤


I feel like Iceland has everything you’d want in a country! Thank goodness they tricked us with the name originally to keep from overpopulation 🤣🙌


Would like to leave the UK. Iceland sounds like a quality place.


Thanks for the video


Good video ! Thank you very much.


If I could figure out a way to suspend paying taxes on my retirement and transfer them to Iceland I would move there in a heart beat.  I am tired of being bled dry by the greedy Canadian government.


👍🍀 Nice Video!


Consider the fact that You don't live there is a reason why its a nice place to visit.


"How many times do you want to run this through the Thesaurus?" 



Great and inspiring video and feels active