
A three-minute Jack Movie review... INCONCEIVABLE!!!


I saw this in the theater and both rejoiced at what a fun movie it was and mourned that the audience wasn’t larger;  it was obvious the studio had no idea how to market the movie and so it didn’t really find its audience until VHS/DVD.


Again: great choice and a great dissection including aspects I hadn't thought of. This could have been easily a cheesy movie, but there are many clever elements which prevent that. LOVE the framing device of grandpa (a wonderful Peter Falk) reading the story to a reluctant boy. It is essential for the movie to work and strike a perfect balance between drama and humor. Casting is spot on for every character. Thanks again for another great dissection. Looking forward to your upcoming, longer, videos!


Why does this film work?

Even the bad guys are lovable!

This is why.


One of my favorite movies. I’d love to see you discuss it in more depth - it’s not a movie that video essayists cover very often.


"why do you wear that mask" "their Terribly comfortable I think everyone will be wearing them in the future" oh how true those words would be


Now that I think about it, both Hot Fuzz and Princess Bride achieve something amazing: They are movies build around tropes and cliches of their genres, but instead of slipping into inane spoof - couch Shrek couch - they manage to be a deconstruction of their kind of movies while also being a love letter to them.


Loved the book as well, Goldman has such a unique way of writing compared to other books.


Totally agree with u. I can watch it repeatedly and never get bored... few films do this to me. Strictly ballroom and windstruck are another two


Hi mate, would really love return of a few longer videos. When you delve deeply into your analysis I feel your at your best. Nice vids anyway


Dude! Great video! I freaking LOVE The Princess Bride!


Thank you for making this.


I love The Princess Bride, but when I think of good worldbuilding in a fantasy film, this one doesn't typically come to mind. I usually think of The Dark Crystal, Conan the Barbarian, Lord of the Rings, and the work of del Toro instead. Goldman kids the genre. These other films take it seriously.


Sorry but I can't help but notice that the font in the thumbnail is the Angry Birds font


awesome video man! just finished watching the princess bride and its definitely a really fun movie




Can you do a video on the swede from hell on wheels.


I think this video should have started with:
My name is Jack Movie Reviews. 
You subscribed to my channel.
Prepare to die.....and watch my video.
But still great work as always.