The amount of viewer ship this raceweek gained due to Cleetus and crew is absolutely insane. It's nice to see suppliers and even the race coordinators realize this and make more races/content possible.
This has been the best drag and drive so far. Cleet and the boys started something we will be seeing more of in the next drag and drives
Love how Brett is that fast and so down to earth and not your typical cocky racer
Seeing cleetus on 1320 is always a special treat 😂😂
I love the respect y'all show every car and driver. Y'all never talk down about anyone.
The NA 632 Fox body is so sick. Nearly 200 mph with no power adder is wild.
Cleetus and Crew FIGHT to WIN is so much more entertaining then competitive money driven racing. The comedy in all this is so good!
Just wanna say the guy in the old Vette seems like a super nice guy. Keep killing it man! Sick build!
The best coverage of the week award goes to 1320Video! Thanks to the whole team
Coverage was excellent, as always. Thank you guys for following these drag and drives. 1320video is definitely ine of the main reasons this style of every has become so popular. You guys should be proud.
If you want to see more of the diesel chevette the entire build is on this channel as well as my dad Jessie and his orange and white c10
Congrats Allison, Tommy, and Jeff!
"I rarely get cake or presents"..... He's not alone. 😂😂
Snot Rocket isn't only fast, it can handle.... That swerve under throttle was clean. Most people would have lifted.
Congratulations to everyone with there wins and to all the folks that finished Sick week. A huge Congratulations to Allison and the Gen 2 Garage team, for being the first to go into the 9's with a Hurricane engine. I knew the Dakota had it in it.
“A semi was passing us”😂🤣
I swear, you guys have THE BEST coverage of these types of events! Thanks so much and "Keep On Truckin'!"
The diesel Chevette coverage was AWESOME! Great job all week yall! The Cleetus coverage was epic too!
I hope people realize what an incredible all time record accomplishment was achieved this year at Sick Week. And I am not talking about Brett Lasalla even though his repeat win was amazing. Ed Ensor in the NA blue Fox Mustang just crushed the all time NA weekly ET average. He broke the previous record held by Doc McEntire set in 2017 by almost a full second averaging 7.096! To get an NA engine making big horsepower (think high CR, huge cam and huge spring pressures) to survive a week of racing AND street driving is absolutely incredible! My hats off to you sir!