
"Just look for Nature's spring that's the brand of this vinegar"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£made me laugh.


This is the most legit Filipino street food vlog Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s not in a food bazaar or a mall. You really went outside and tried what common Filipinos would buy in that area in terms of street food. As a Pinoy who loves street food, I really connected with Sonny on this one.


My wife is from the Philippines and I have eaten all the food youā€™ve tried here. Itā€™s a wonderful country with many great people


I love how you are not afraid trying out foods that you might have seen and heard just now. Thank you for visiting the Philippines and creating contents like this.


$100 is a month worth of food here in the Philippines


3:37 "One big bite. 35 people watching me, super normal." This cracked me up hahaha! Yeah in the Philippines we love to see foreigners eat Filipino food and watch their rections!


I literally laughed when he said Nature's Spring is brand of vinegaršŸ˜¹ Thank you for featuring Manila againā¤ļø Hope you visit other parts of Philippines


I love how this dude appreciates all the stuff we have in the Philippines, makes me proud.


I love the way he narrates how they prepare the food for him.. kinda sarcastic kinda innocent, hilarious šŸ˜‚


What I appreciate about this is him walking around with REAL street food. Unlike some shows and videos where they walk around well known places being toured by tv or foodie personalities trying to give historical trivia.


ā€œThen he puts some processed chemical cheese powderā€ there is zero lie on that part hahaha love this man! He speaks the truth but eats them anyway šŸ¤£


I love how adventurous he is! Itā€™s so cool just going around and trying out each vendors food. I love Filipino food so this was enjoyable to watch! šŸ˜Š


1. Misua / Miswa
2. Sotanghon
3. Niyupak / Nilupak
4. Inihaw na Pusit Daing
5. Sweet Corn / Cheese Corn
6. Kalamares
7. Fried Chicken Instestine / Isaw
8. Chicharon Bulaklak / Chicharon Sebo
9. Kikiam

*That nature spring...
Nature Spring is a brand of Purified Drinking Water


I'm from the Philippines. For 7:29 I'm going to say both, it's all about the fried food and the sauce PLUS the price and cleanliness. Very cheap yet delicious! šŸ˜‹


I'm into food vlogs lately and I found this content as one of his best. Watching his videos makes me feel that I experienced to eat those food cravings too. Thank you for featuring Manila in this vlog. Keep sharing inspiring and honest reviews.. looking forward to watch more. Proud filipina here!


The most gentle part is the people are so honest with the prize. šŸ˜…


Love this!  Canā€™t wait to get back there soon


The transparency is real. YOu really are the best when it comes to this, Sonny!!!
More videos in the Philippines pleaseeeee...!


I loooooove how honest he is about the intestine tasting awful. Just a tip, if you're going to buy a fried street food, check the color of the oil. If it's black, they're probably using it for a week already.
And from the color of the vinegar alone, i can tell it won't taste good.


I love how you describe the food that you've tasted. I love seeing foreigners enjoy our streetfood ā¤