Learning a new language nowadays is not that hard anymore. Back in early 2024, I experimented with different AI language learning tools. That’s when I discovered BeLikeNative. Instead of just translating word for word, it showed me how to phrase things the way native speakers do. I used it to refine my messages, compare different ways of saying the same thing, and even practice full conversations. The more I used it, the more confident I became, and soon I was holding real conversations without second-guessing every sentence. If you’re learning a new language, BeLikeNative makes the process easier and way more effective.
Her accent is totaly clean. Very very easy to understand
I'm 40 years old polish truck driver who lives since 2010 in germany. I spike german language fluently,C1 level. I decided to learn Englisch after some akward Situation on my holiiday 2022 in spain where I lost my... car. I was forced to ask french couple for help and I was unable to expres myself. I started white writenig a foreign world and the whole sentences. After i fulled almost 3 thick notebooks I started to record the worlds on phone voice rekorder. First in my native language, after a few seconds in englisch. Then I spike the whole sentences in polish and then in englisch. I didnt use a translator now I and hope i dodn't make to much mistakes.😊
When I listen to her videos I understand 80%, but when I listen to other videos I understand like 40%. She is really good to explain any subjects. 😂
I live on US and i can understand this video 100% perfect. His pronunciation is so good and i can do it. BUUT outside of my home. I CAN'T DO IT!! The people here speak so fast and they use a lot contractions o his vocabulary!!! that's is impossible to my ear!!! i love when the people talk without the english contractions!
10 Ways to stop translanting in 0:29 1- Identify objects around you in english 0:35 2- Repeat phrases you hear native speakers use 1:35 3- Make a situation where you can't escape into your native language 3:23 4- Watch TV and movies in your target kanguage without subtitles 5:56 5- Don't brung a dictionary to your lesson 7:59 6- Train responses to common question 10:43 7- Study with materials that don't provide a translation 12:38 8- Study phrases in addition to single 15:26 9- Do your daily activities in English (where possible) 16:32 10- Use a learner's dictionary for new words 17:53
If all natives speak English like you, I would be so happy!
Hi, I from Madrid. I am very happy because I am learning English ❤
Im very glad to understand almost everything that she said because the way she speaks is so nice I'm learning and I will use her advices to keep practicing, thanks you for that
sincerely the way you explain is top top top 10/10
She has an extraordinary way of teaching,She is the best English teacher!!!
I ve been into english for well over 50 years.lm out & out mexican and she speaks a perfect english as an american native .Im getting each an every word.of course you cant understand english in 1 or 2 hours but practice will make become a master
Hello I,m Eric Nsengiyumva from Rwanda Africa.i always love and understand her videos lesson 95% when i listen it and that is reason i can,t stop watch her videos❤
I hope all Americans speak English like her
Thank you both of you very nice and wonderful way to teach have fun it helps me better thank again.
God bless you so clear your s except thanks
You are good teacher, 🎉 I am from India
I love the way you explain things, it's always easy to understand for students! Thank you!