At least they FINALLY stopped using footage of a functioning Yeti in promotional materials. They were using it well into the 2010s.
You’re correct about the Summer of ‘07! I was there for my first WDW trip and saw the Yeti in all its glory in early July. I didn’t return until 2010 and by then, he was definitely in B-mode. I really hope they find a solution for this figure someday. It was truly a sight to behold.
I have ridden Expedition Everest several times - and I STILL had no idea we're not suppose to be on Everest and we're trying to get there. Shows how much I pay attention! [or how poorly they explain that]
Important to remember that the Yeti hasn't actually run in over a decade. If they want to make it run, they will have to rip it out and replace it with a Yeti that works and won't break, as well as all the modifications to the mountain that would be needed to accommodate that. So in summary, it's never getting fixed.
Was just there last week and he wasn’t even lit up, if you didn’t look for him you wouldn’t even know he was there. Kind of sad
i remember riding this last time i went to Disney World in 2010 when i was 9 years old… i saw an advertisement for it on the tv in our rental condo and was so excited all day to ride it!! then i had a meltdown about how bad the yeti scared me immediately after getting off 😂 i even remember feeling dread in the waiting queue and thinking “god this yeti is so dangerous look at all this proof of him killing people why is no one else freaking out” 💀
I think it’s cool that it just stands there. I know audio animatronics are disneys claim to fame but old fashion dummys I think are great too. They give that “classic theme park vibe” imo.
They did an amazing job designing this ride. I’ve only been on it once, but even standing in line was like being in another world. They really killed it with the Himalayan scenery.
I remembered watching a documentary on Discovery that focus specifically on this yeti. The planning, the sophisticated technology going on this yeti. It was amazing, they sure boast a lot about it. Then I remember not long after the official opening an article that say the yeti is broken. 😅
Pretty head-shaking how Disney didn’t design repairs in mind in some of its attractions. The showgirls don’t move anymore, and there’s a crack in the Disneyland Haunted Mansion ballroom mirror that can’t be repaired unless they remove the entire mirror. How sad that Disco Yeti will not dance again. Thanks for the video! Seen it at least twice!
this channel is so good because i'll be like "seduce me with your defunct disney wisdom" and it's always so fun, full of information, and just an easy listen.
It’s funny to me how as a Floridian, I’m learning more about Disney World from a Brit than I ever did living less than an hour from it. My grandfather even worked there as a painter back in the day. I’ve never heard of these legends like the theft of Buzzy, the abandonment of Discovery Island, and the broken Yeti until I came across this channel. Granted I don’t go there anymore, and don’t talk to a lot of Disney enthusiasts, but still, I just expected to know a little more about it. It’s actually very interesting. The most I heard about was that child that got eaten by the alligator, which all of us rednecks that regularly swim in gator-infested waters have learned to watch out for. I remember as a kid being told to gtfo of the water when my older brother saw a gator go under nearby, that bastard was for sure going right for me. I wouldn’t make a video about that tho lmfao. As tragic as it is, it’s hard not to have a good laugh at a dead child’s expense. RIP little fella… they definitely should’ve had warning signs around the waters of the resort, and those signs should’ve read: “Don’t feed the gators”
The Yeti will never be fixed. The ride still one of the most popular and highest trafficked rides in the park even with its major finale set piece being broken. As mentioned they would have to close it for over a year and it’s probably not worth it to the park. I wish I could have seen it in its intended operation! For me personally the strobe light is really disorienting and uncomfortable and despite having ridden multiple times over many years, I’ve never felt like I’ve really SEEN the yeti properly. I’d rather just have the lights turned all the way on so I can actually SEE the figure even if it’s not moving.
I can absolutely confirm that the yeti was in a mode in May 2007, which was my very first visit to Walt Disney World. When I returned for Presidents’ Day weekend in 2008, it was for sure in B mode because I had noticed that the yeti was not moving, and I thought maybe it was just temporarily broken as animatronics tend to have happen from time to time so my guess is that they shut it off sometime after the summer of 2007.
The Yeti is impressive, but Universal built two giant King Kongs in the late 80s and turned a soundstage into a night in New York City and had multiple shark animatronics living in a lagoon, so of course we can be critical of Disney for making an unreliable animatronic and then never fixing it
When I was younger, I never knew there was an actual yeti. I guess I closed my eyes for disco yeti out of fear. I look for him now though.
I still can’t believe I got to see A-mode yeti when I was a kid. Something I definitely won’t forget.
I got to ride this only a few months after it had opened and I remember that we immediately got right back in line after seeing how awesome the Yeti was. Since the coaster is at the very back corner of the park, not a lot of people had made they're way over to the ride so the line was relatively short. I think we could've ridden it 3 or 4 times within an hour or 2. I was at WDW last month and it was pretty sad to see the disco version especially since the strobing makes you almost miss him in the dark. I feel like they should just have fans blowing his fur and ditch the strobing light.
I don't know about y'all, but I can see potential for a movie based on Expedition Everest. Give it a King Kong/Lost World vibe with ice age animals to go along with the Yeti. And if it's successful, Disney could use the money from the box office to fix the damn ride.