Mario is a living proof that you can be honest and nice at the same time.
Took me a little over 18 months, and lost about 68 pounds. I basically cut for that amount of time straight, with brief maintenance breaks in between. I lost half of the weight in the first 3 months, then the other half took the other 15 months. Its a long process, just believe in it and stay committed.
I have 49.5% percent body fat and am on the verge of crying. Need to fix my diet and daily habits. I’m here for some kind of motivation to start again honestly.
On December 2022 I was 240 lbs. now, a year after I’m 194lbs. I’m 5’10. I’m 28. If I was more consistent I’m sure I would’ve hit 160 lbs by now. Don’t surrender people. You got this. No matter if you go back a couple steps, like it happened to me. You can still get it. I think if I keep eating healthy and working out I’ll be where I want to be in 4 or 3 months. After that I’ll try to bulk.
I’ve gone from 45% to currently 23%. It’s taken most of a year but I’m pretty happy for a 40yo
"Even at the highest levels of success, fundamentals account for most of the progress that we make." That is a bar!💎
Mario, been watching you since February of 2022 and I always remembered your previous videos talking about this whenever I would fall off the routine. My ohysique and overall discipline made a complete 180 degree turn. Keep inspiring those in search! Grateful for you and sean Nalewanyj
Im 7 months down as a newbie. Recomposition turned out great and now below 12%. I took my diet seriously, quit drinking and put in the work. The more I did the more i enjoyed it.
Went from 25% to 15% in about 6 months. 27 pounds down. Did a ton of research and planning prior to starting then I landed on your channel. Excellent information that is in line with the studies and research in human metabolism I spent weeks diving into. I figured my previous weight loss journeys failed due to lack of knowledge and understanding which was definitely the case. The journey is always the best part. Self discipline and trust in the process is key. Super fun. In the past I never focused on lifting the way I do now and it has made a world of difference. I spent the last 6 months running 3 miles 3 days a week while putting hardcore effort in the gym 4 to 6 days a week. Have gained a ton of muscle mass while losing a ton of body fat. Switching gears now and moving to get down to my secondary goals. Can't believe I ate the way I did and can't do that now if I tried. Thanks Mario for keeping me motivated bro! Your videos are the best I've found online. Can't believe how much I've enjoyed this process. Wish more physicians would educate themselves vs push these new high dollar glp1 injections. Last study I read showed after 1 yr nearly every participant regained all that weight back likely due to lack of awareness of calorie intake
Love this video because your typical example is spot on! Difference is that here it is close to my lenght and weight, without talking 100 kg or 1.90 length etc. As example. Most videos are non comparable. Making true comparisons impossible without going into body building territory.
got from 114 kilos to 82 in 9 months. problem was that I lost a lot of muscle in the meantime as I wasn't prioritising protein intake at all. so keep that in mind if you decide to go on this route.
I am 5"10' went from around 30-35% body fat to about 22% body fat. Lost about 15kg. So around 95kg to 78kg now. No where near abs but damn I feel good. Took about 1 year. I don't take it too seriously but progress is progress and if it takes another year to get to 10-15% body fat then so be it.
2 and half years for me [from 311 lbs to 180s shooting for mid 170s if i can make it.] I've lost 131 lbs and it's been crazy. Guys like Mario are worth their weight in gold. I wish I had found him earlier. He brings the truth in a simple manner. Not pushing sales or the nerdy science approach. Just the truth ... which some don't want to hear. But he's right, there's no pill or magical potion that will do the work for you. It takes time that's all there is too it. It really comes down to how bad do you want it.
Mario you are so awesome! I have watched all your videos and your videos are my inspiration since the last 7 months. I am 5'6 ft, I was 190 lb (86kg) with 33% body fat in January 2023 Now, after 6-7 months of consistent gym, diet, step counts >10k, I am down to 152 lb (70kg) with 19% body fat and have developed well defined muscles as well. My protein intake is >140gms or > 150gms daily. Salute to you man. Keep doing what you do. You are changing people's life for good❤️
Great advice delivered clearly and succinctly. The latter being where you separate yourself from so many others. Well done!
I’m definitely one of the guys who had no idea I was 30+ body fat. I’m about 16/17 now after 18 months or so. Hit many walls but still going, keep it up if you’re trying to do the same! Just be patient
On my cut right now and these videos help immensely, I started off in the mid 20s bf wise and bulked for 6 months to at least gain some strength before doing the hard part. 17lbs down, around 20 weeks to go and I think I'll be where I need to be fingers crossed.
A lot of people severely underestimate the damage they did (usually not on purpose) and the recovery time. Obesity usually has a long recovery time and there is not only physical healing requires but also mental healing - healing from the addictions of binge eating, over-eating hyper palatable foods, etc. It is a rough road but we’ll worth it.
Can we talk about the editing in this video? The zoom in and zoom outs are very good at getting viewers to listen. It's telling you to keep listening to him, because it is important for us to hear if we want to make lifestyle changes.