“You gotta do better, Mr. President!” Red Hulk shrinks back down to Harrison Ford.
I think even Avengers will struggle. Who is excited to see an Avengers team of Falcon, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Shang Chi, Shiri and a bunch of teenage girl knock offs? It will only be successful if they nostalgiabait like Deadpool 3 did.
Why doesn't Marvel listen to its fan base
Disney needs to go back to the old method of writing SCRIPTS several times and just shooting the MOVIE once.
You gotta do better, Disney
I cringed so hard at that “You gotta do better Ross” ahh ending to the Red Hulk fight. Having Hulk’s villains fight Captain Falcon was one of Marvel’s dumbest ideas yet. Had to clear my mind of this film with a rewatch of Iron Man (still a REALLY good movie & holds up well almost 2 decades later)
Been saying it for a while now, Kevin Feige needs to step down. We need someone new with a new vision. KF is part of the woke activists brigade and needs to go. Dude can't stop putting real world politics into these movies.
Stan Lee passed and things haven’t been the same since
I'm take full responsibility for not watching Captain Falcon. Disney is more than welcomed to blame me.
Steve Rogers needs to take back the shield and say to soy Wilson, “YOU GOTTA DO BETTER! YOU GOTTA STEP UP!”
Oh no! Who could have predicted this was going to be a flop?! Everyone did. We all warned Disney literally years ago that this was going to be a disaster. This should have been a Falcon movie. Nobody wanted to see Captain African America.
Won't take the serum, so he is now inspector Gadget
You got to do better, Feige!
I still remember when fiegie and mackie had that press conference where they said "Now we have a captain America everyone can look up to" looks like the world didn't agree 😂😂😂🤦
There's a reason a standalone Hawkeye movie never happened (and only 1 way too late Black Widow movie), and he was one of the Avengers. Side characters aren't the same draw.
No one wants to watch movies with side characters. They keep trying this nonsense but it doesn’t work.
I wonder if Disney is going to lie about those numbers and put out fake ones while acting like it was a success...
Until he actually listens,absorbs the constructive criticism coming from the actual people that matter,which is the fans then F ups is all its ever gonna be for marvel.
The whole of the MCU content was just too much and too quickly. People are done with the superhero genre when there's a new movie every 3-4 months and endless streaming shows. They're all linked, so they expect you to pay attention to EVERY show to understand the backstories of the movies. I don't know how the executives can expect people to constantly be hyped up for this absolute crap they're churning out at such a pace. NO ONE CARES anymore, and they sure aren't forking over money for bad movies with poor writing and even worse CGI.