Nah, I believe in James's direction. It has been good so far.. It's the haters who couldn't accept changes..
You don't hire coal to play the snow part, Supergirl is ICONIC and therefore she should look the way she does in 99% of her iterations just like Wonder Woman, Superman etc, sick of people saying looks don't matter but the truth is it all matters and majority of people are very much vocal about it. Cut the BS.
I happy for milly i think she has what it take i have HOPE respect the past embrace the future
Poor Sasha she got so exited 😭
I don't understand the video, I stopped following the news some years ago, but I don't understand the hate on James Gunn. He did three great GOTG movies, haven't watched the suicide squad one but I heard DC fan liked it, now you see some changes in the creative direction and are already mad? I understand skepticism but aren't you going too far? Can you wait at least for the first Superman?
I highly doubt James Gunn hates Supergirl
They did her dirty in my opinion. She was amazing in the Flash. I actually enjoyed that movie. I don't care what anyone says.
If he hates supergirl he would cancel her film first Why you hate this him and this universe no one want to handle and direct dc universe even snyder himself don't want to return so don't spread hatred with false information if you claim yourself a superhero fan or a big dc fans then don't do this if you do you are just a toxic snyder fan
Cry about it
lol this video is satire right? Theres no way you feel this way! 😂
To be fair, I wouldn’t carry anything over from the DCEU into my universe for simplicity.
This video doesn't make any sense. Putting curb your enthusiasm background music on random bullshit doesn't make a video automatically good.
James Gunn and Matt Reeves hate comics.