Amen my brother... we as men of the Most High must STAND for something... and that something must be the teachings principles and precepts of YAH by way of the Ruach Ha Kodesh... I'm proud of you brother... side note... this walk gets very lonely especially with the more truth that is revealed and the more I stand on the Most Highs principles I pray for you Eshon Burgundy and brother Ron Charles from truthunedited I've been following yall both for over 4yrs now and I feel like yall are some of the only brothers i have... i truly wish i had an opportunity to meet yall... not many are truly sold out for truth of the gospel of Yahusha... keep pressing homie ... my distant brother!!!! Much love 🙏🏾✊🏾💯💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
One of my favorite songs from you
So much knowledge, I pray it reaches far and wide
Likes be disappearing hah! That's cool I'll like again!!!
Yes sir.
Our people knew then and now how to be creative in art…Til we got over idolistic…If that’s a word.
Seems like you're paying homage to the image.... But I know you don't intend that Eshon... Salute
Bruh. What is going on there?