
The best workout. The best motivation. The most power. 💪🏼


Mein Favorit von Danheim .
Die Stelle an dem das Horn ertönt ist echt der Hammer .


Please bring back the Viking live radio! Forget the critics - It was a work in progress and just needed time to get bigger and bigger.! Please, Danheim!


When the Jarl drops the Bass


One of my favorite of Danheim’s songs.


❤ diese Musik erdet mich, danke❤


Yesss Danheim! You know how to bring the norsemen to life through beautiful music.  

Lots of love from Croatia ❤


My husband and I love this song so much, we named our dog Vega. And it's perfectly fitting.


This time I have the biggest (or greatest?) goosebumps ever. Skål from Germany!


You and PERCIVAL gave me a reason to believe that the culture and great music is not lost yet


These new songs are incredible!


thank you for the force! Friendly hug from Attila's nation Hungary!


Skol from Australia! I'm of Danish heritage and love your music


Love Danheim from France !


this viking bass is just insanely good i need a huge sound system to feel odin hamering down on me


I'll open up a Viking Nightclub with this playing every evening


Greetings from Poland \o/ Now I've got something to run in my car radio, thank You for your work


i enjoy your music


Been listening this preview track every day for a full month now 😊, finally a full version and best of all, a mighty name. 

Let the fire of the ancient ways live on in the coming darkness. Let them yet shape our ways.


Крутой трак, спасибо