
Hellooo 🙂first of all, thanks for watching this South of France vlog! I hope you enjoy this video and if you are planning a trip you are going to have the best time of your life. The south of france is an incredible part of the world! To watch my other videos in my European Summer Series click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOzKRqO8hnYcAAII90FX5h3cRoGD12naf
P.s. Apologies for my less-than-perfect pronunciations of all the French words. 🇫🇷 😅


Hi! Came here on Dennis Bunnik’s recommendation. What a great vlog this is, I look forward to watching your back catalogue too. Happy travels 😀


Great video - love the South of France.  I've also just finally uploaded my flight review of that flight to Bali featuring your cameo - it's come out well and has just gone live on my channel.


I'm glad that you went to Monaco.  It's very beautiful and really shows how the rich play. The boat "yacht" slips are overwhelming with the huge yachts stored there.  On my first visit there, I made the mistake of not knowing what the dress code was to go into the famous casino.  I quickly learned you should be in your Sunday best clothes, but that was many years ago. I was a little disappointed with the free parts of the Nice beaches due to the small rocks instead of sand for a beach.  Going into the pay areas was worth the price if you want to have a drink as you sunbathe.  I really enjoyed all of the vlogs of your European vacations. You gave some really good information for all of the destinations you visited.  Did you ever go to the old town of Nice?


That raspberry tart looked delicious. Love this series though I have to admit that I am probably behind watching them all. You have got me thinking that I should probably do a two week vacation in France next year. Great job as always Brie.


Ahhh I forget we had more to come in this awesome series!  I can see why this one was among your favs to film.  The historical info and footage are once again next level.  Monaco I think is the most densely populated country in the world.  Ohhh you were brave with the escargot Bri.  You got farther than I would have for sure. lol


What a privilege to be able to do all this traveling! Been to all these places on cruises and has brought back some wonderful memories! In high school I took a french class and on the last day everyone had to bring a french dish. Someone brought escargot but I did not try it. The whole class teacher included got food poisoning. To this day I have NEVER tried it


Really great vlog! Appreciate you dropping the names of the places you visited, very helpful as I’m going to the French rivera soon!


Thanks for this holiday vlog. Looking forward to your next adventure. Cheers.


Wow, you guys definitely clocked up lots of steps on this trip too, enjoyed watching as always 👌🫶


Fantastic video.  Thanks for sharing your wonderful holiday with everyone


Great episode 🤩


Hello Brie!!! Again a beautiful video of both of you traveling. I been there also. The places are very nice. I can imagine that for people coming from Australia also is very excited. I love the french food but I can admit that  to eat those things is challenging. I tasted and I liked but I can tell you that my mother will never taste that. Over her death body. I was in Monaco during the Xmas and the city was so cute. Hope you can get back someday in the future. Also the north of France is very nice. Specially if you follow what happened in the WWII. Normandie. Have a wonderful day!!! Bye!!!


This was a wonderful vlog, thanks for sharing!


Hi Brie! I absolutely love your vlogs, your editing is so perfect. This video in particular is really well structured and presented, I can tell how much effort you put into it all! 
What do you use to edit your videos?


Hi Breanna happy Saturday afternoon and I hope you having amazing day today and I loved your vlogs and you are amazing Supporter


I tried escargot for the first time last year at the Beauty and the Beast Restaurant at Disneyworld, honestly it was the tastiest dish we tried that night.  Great happy vlog, it was really inviting to go to see one day


Delightful video with beautiful pictures.


Thanks for all the recommendations


Watched this about hafl an hour ago and oh my! There you are again but this time on Dennis Bunnick Travels! Had to stop his video so I could say hi to you here.