
Your right❤❤


Yup. Experienced this.


Let the Church say Amen! Covert all over the place!


Sure is. 😔


Man this is mine. He's so fake about it. He really laid that shit on thick too. 

I think they also like to have a feeling of 'they're better than..(__) because the narc is 'religious' . Good video Lee!


Being religious isn't synonymous to being saved. Narcissists are simply "wolves in sheep clothing ".


If you meet someone who describes themselves as “a very devout Christian” with the implication that that makes them a good person? Just run.


Smh all bad


Oh my 😂 if this isn’t the truth, I really don’t know what is.


I know 2.


Lee you're absolutely 💯 I dated a narcissist who acted like he "loved the Lord" and always talked about what his "spirit man" was telling him. He NEVER EVER invited me to church and when I asked to attend he ALWAYS GAVE AN EXCUSE for me not to attend...such as " I won't be able to sit with you because I'm doing security"..."I'll be ushering" etc...he was definitely and still is a fake ass person! I appreciate you helping sooooooo many viewers and educating people to be aware...notice the signs and patterns and move on!!! Happiness and Peace is what I've found listening to your videos. Thank you Lee 😊for educating me. Keep up the great work and being a positive and inspirational teacher! Oh yeah bring your knowledge to Atlanta soon...2025!


Absolutely, Lee❤They call on God, but you better ask them, Two Say they know jesus 👑 cause the God They serve is not the same one you serve😂


My child abandoning, verbally physically and financially abusive ex narcissist invited me to church for our first date lol


You just described my ex narc girlfriend.  She is a wolf in sheeps clothing Jezebel.


Yep. My ex.


YES! This! What's even worse is when a religious narcissist has children, then cherry picks verses to constantly attack the child for even innocent actions while using other verses to falsely justify their abuse! Both my mom and my grandmother (Was raised by my grandmother, but once she passed my mom came back into the picture to continue the abuse) were like this! Grandma tried to basically beat the 5th Commandment into me, while ignoring Ephesians 6:4, Mark 9:42, Collossians 3:21, Matthew 18:6, etc. Before anyone says it, I realize that a couple of those verses seem to be directed at fathers, but upon marriage or having children, the couple becomes one unit, so it means her too! If I so much as left the TV on a channel where I was watching cartoons, was asleep HOURS later and there was a dirty movie on that channel and she happened to turn on the TV to watch the news and see it? I would get in trouble for 'watching dirty movies', and this often means yelling, screaming, and if I cried too much it was a slap, sometimes cigarette smoke blown in my face, etc.

As for anyone who has a religious narcissist for a parent; I know you might be struggling with the 5th Commandment to Honour thy Father and Mother, but that doesn't mean to endure the abuse. Abuse from a parent is sin on THEIR part, and to honour them is to not partake in the sin via allowance. The best way to honour an abusive parent is to GET AWAY from them! Obviously that's hard for little children who get isolated and don't know they have options, and that's despicable on the parent(s)' part. Once they're a little more grown, though, I hope they realize that enduring abuse is honouring neither the parent nor themselves, and they have the option to call for help, run, etc.


The guy sends me religious/ spiritual TikToks all day. And let me tell you he’s the most corrupt man I’ve ever met.