
the saddest part is the purple heart only gives him a parking spot nothing special he almost loses his life for a parking spot


Fun fact, if you send it to laundry (you know 92S) and bring that laundry slip with you, they will accept it stains and all. Saves a lot of heartache trust me. Also, his unit did him dirty. They could have written all that off for him.


She is undefeated in everything😅


As a vet with 2 ph’s. The original skit kills me Everytime. Vett channel gets it.


My grandpa called them "enemy marksmanship medallions"


Why the hell does he have a purple heart, this injury is obviously not service related


"you're charging me for getting SHOT!?!?"


Our convoy was ambushes. After we got out of the KZ we returned fire. One of the MRAPs had a busted axel or sumn so we had to move transport. Took shrapnel from something, ricochet, or from an RPG. Even though it was an open wound apparently it wasn't enough for a purple heart


"If I'm paying for the uniform, I'm stealing as many munitions as humanly possible"


“WaR CrImES!!! I’m GoInG to CoMmIt WaR CrImEs!!!!!!!!!” -Mr. Mandatory Funday


Thank you for your cervix 😂


CIF really out here not giving a fuck 😂


My buddy called it his enemy marksmanship medal 😂😂


God I love this woman


She's got 11 of those already


It's crazy how true this is 😂


His unit should have wrote that all off for him.


Old timer once told me a purple heart was like an enemy marksmaship medal. Now I will never be able to look at a purple heart as anything other than an "enemy marksmanship medal".


LOL. This is exactly why I only use Marine Corps stickers on my Nalgene’s and my cars. I jest,”I fought for this sticker” lol


America with nearly 1 trillion for their defense budget but cant take care of their soldiers. How pathetic.