
at 0:53 you boys just talked about creating a Louisiana hottub lol


You should build a ramp so you can feed the wash plant easier


I would like to see a farming series with all the boys like in 19 Austin, Jake, buch, grant, nate, brodie, Stevo, and klutch and do more videos with they boys.


You should invest in a 375 Komatsu bulldozer


@austinfarmer I have FS25 on Console (XBOX). I'm super curious about a specific mod I'd love your thoughts on. Now that we have a water pump with the rice for console, is there a way for any of your modding buddies to setup a gold washplant for console?

Here's the production process I"m thinking of: Rocks < Paydirt < Washplant (replacing the gold production building) < Gold
The washplant should be supplied by the water pump that was introduced with the rice field in FS25.

Any thoughts on if/when someone might be doing this? Us console players would be mind blown if someone could get this going for us!


I love coltan donโ€™t let him leave


So glad you brought back Colton


Your next Loader should be a CAT 982XE next generation


Austin I like your Brand New ATV


Hey Austin I love your videos and hopefully you have a good day today and can you please make some more landscaping videos and can you please make some more mowing videos and can you please make some more firewood business videos ๐Ÿ˜Š


COLTIN!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




Great video! I've been watching a guy using the same plant with pay pile close like yours. You need Volvo L350 or bigger loader to feed it fast enough to have the belts continuously loaded. That plant runs through pay pretty quick!!


Does Colton have a YouTube channel


Can you do a farming series


Can you please make another no mans land series??? I just found your channel like a week ago watching your no man's land videos. That was my favorite series of yours.


Have faith my friend ๐Ÿ’ช


4:10 bruh


That Ford though๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜


I've been waiting 2 months for this ๐Ÿ˜‚