From being one of the best surgeons to being one of the most powerful MCU hero, gosh I love Dr. Strange’s transformation.
Just saw The Multiverse Of Madness tonight. I absolutely LOVED it. Crazy how much "older" Strange was compared to this one.
5:02 "Open Your Eye" interesting how she says "eye" as in third eye. and Stranges literal 3rd eye opens in his second movie I love how screen writing comes back to certain aspects of their respective films.
I don’t care what anyone says, that scene where the cape is just bashing that dudes head into the floor is the one of the best scenes in the first movie 😂😂😂
i like that the first lesson strange is given is an existential crisis
Absolutely love the scene where he raises his finger to represent the 1 future that they win.
The VFX for Doctor Strange is incredible!
I love Dr Strange! He's the best. Thank you for making this
29:40 I like this, he's past the point where his input matters so he gives Tony closure by putting his finger up. "this is the 1."
Crazy how Ned was able to open a portal on his very first try & Strange couldn't even do that.
The trailer is out it’s gonna be sooo good
Odd that strange didn't believe in magic when people like Thor exist.
you are doing god's work for the editing community! ❤
why the hell he is so good looking and a good actor? ...
I just noticed that in this.... when he pulls the eye of agamoto out of the air to give to thanos, its from the actual star in the background that it emerges. A fantastic little touch there that really lends to stranges power, and the significance of the stone.
I think the heavenly gates just opened for me, when I found your video- holy crap- 30 minutes content of Dr. Strange? You're crazy- but awesome!
I never realized this before, but the "airforce colonel" with the crushed spine was Rhodey after Vision shot him down by mistake
Always LOVED Doctor Strange 1. Hope MoM will be as good as this
Thank you so much for this! I can’t wait for MoM!