When you thought your music taste was quirky and unique but really just the new upcoming pop
you're naming all these people I've been listening to without even knowing what bedroom pop is, great video
You snuck him in like 15 times, but never actually said his name- Cuco
Take a shot every time he says “quirky” when describing clairo
Ohhh so that’s been the music I’ve been listening to this whole time.
What makes me laugh is the fact people are sad over the fact that their music isn’t “quirky” anymore. You should be happy more people listen to your kind of music. Also isn’t it kinda selfish to hope not a lot of people listen to a certain artist, even though that artist is trying to get noticed.
How can I know every artist/band in this video without knowing the genre? Thought it was Indie pop/rock/lo-fi ish lol
Bedroom pop is amazing. It makes me want to enjoy my youth while also making me nostalgic.
everyone needs to give up on being "special" and all come to the consensus that these songs SLAP
When still woozy was still a smaller artist, it was his birthday and I dmed him, and he replied with a thank u :)
steve lacy is an actual god. like i cannot deal.
>songs with an amateur charm >home made >free from the mold of music yeah, that’s called indie
6:37 Mac demarco wanted his name to appear twice so he took the wallows spot
I can not describe how GOOD it feels to look at these comments and relate to everyone. Like we all have the same taste and it feels great. :))
I thought Spotify just came up with the term bedroom pop bc they didn’t know where to put all the weird kids.
1. feel depressed 2. Isolate yourself in your room 3. reminisce about the good times 4. cry and write a song
the whole amateur filming thing reminds me of "this man flew all the way to Japan to sing abba in a lake" because the first time I saw that video I just saw how it was filmed and how the music was produced, and I saw myself and my generation in it. It's so amazing how we get to see stuff like that in our streaming age
I listened to every single one of these artist without knowing the name of this genre. I thought is was like indie r&b or sum.
the quality of your videos is beyond insane, enjoyed this one alot!