I've have been rendered speechless
you are a trailer god
that was awesome,man!
attention to the ballet music of black widow :)
Did you just make Power Rangers look badass?
"To much CGI, it is ruining it. The movies before CGI where way better."
Age of Ultron was not really as great as its predecessor but it was somewhere between OK and good. The trailer made me think it was gonna be The Dark Knight of Marvel movies and I thought Ultron was gonna be a complex villain but well he sounded and looked cool but he just felt like another generic bad guy.
Can you do mlb 2015 opening vid please?
The Internet can't handle the rendering
How can you be worthy rangers your all puppets tangled in strings Strings!!!!!!! Im gonna demorph you from the inside out Now im free there are no strings on me.
Lmao this is awesome