My ex-narc destroyed his entire family. He refused to have a relationship with his mother, father, and brother. He refused to allow me to have a relationship with them for decades. He then turned on us. I mean myself, his wife and partner of 27 years, and our three children. He systematically psychologically and emotionally abused us for years. It wasn't until he discarded me and our children for his friend's wife and his lust for another lifestyle that I began to heal. The terror this man brought into my life is staggering for most people to understand, so I am grateful for this channel of like-minded souls.
You cannot ever Trust these Demons. Walk away, don't look back. They know exactly what they are doing.
I respectfully disagree. Negotiating does not work. One needs to go 'no contact'. No grey rocking, no negotiating. NO CONTACT. That is how you move on.
Was married for 24 years, and when it finally became PAINFULLY obvious that he'd never change, I left. During one of the very few lucid conversations we ever had (before I knew to go "no contact"), he said to me that he didn't think I'd leave. 😐 I'm convinced you have to be a child of Satan to consciously and deliberately mistreat someone with the goal of complete destruction. I have joy and peace every day without him.
One of the aspects of this that doesn't get enough coverage is what happens when you realize the narcs in your life have codependent enablers that gaslight you endlessly. Finding out you had no safe parent is very destructive.
MOVE ON....I moved on six years ago and it was the best decision in my life ❤
Move on. Forget negotiating. They will always want a lot back....and you think, "Could it be so bad?" Yes, it can be so bad. Toxic behaviors.
YES THEY DO !!!!! A slow rampage of tearing people apart
They know what they are doing
Some narcissists were just spoiled brats growing up. Parents never told them “no.” So they grow up to be an entitled, arrogant, grandiose monster. My narc abusers all grew up spoiled brats. Rotten.
They dont all start off life suffering trauma. Some have a really good upbringing but choose to be the way they are. Its inate in them.....
No- it’s a choice. Not a disorder. Pure Evil.
My narcissistic father destroyed his family. When I saw him trying to do the same with my own family, I had to cut it off to stop the cycle of violence and evil. I thought I was the only one who suffered from a narcissistic parent and didn't realize that it was so widespread.
Good points. Best to keep your distance from those who continuously hurt you and your loved ones. Engaging with narcissists only gives them attention. Take it away from them and give that attention to yourself. It’s hard at first but you deserve it more than them.
They target and prey upon everyone, but non-family members can walk away with slightly more ease, so when narcs lack supply they always return to the people who are bound to them by birth. Narcs seek to exploit that personal connection, creating feelings of obligation and guilt in people who are genuinely caring and want only to heal rifts and create a healthy family. The narcs say they want a healthy, loving family, but they spend all their time creating chaos, drama, and misery while lying, manipulating, using, abusing and defrauding the people who love them most. When family members start to see what's really happening and try to back away and extricate themselves from this toxic person, the narc engages in smear campaigns, false accusations of abuse, and extreme forms of self- harm to suck family back into their toxic web and trap them there forever. When you're a blood family member, even when you set firm boundaries and go no contact, they never stop coming at you, especially when they get older and their other opportunities for supply diminish. It never ends.
My oldest sister is a narcissist . She started on putting me down and smearing me . Then the second eldest sister joined in with glee as she was under the control of the oldest sister and did what ever she told her to do . Their children joined in. I was looking after my elderly mother when it began and when she tried to protect me then she got targeted . The younger sister also a narc then dismissed me. My mum has now passed and I think her illness was made worse because of the stress they caused. Yep it was soul destroying. Its been years but it still gets to me. I’m by myself now with no support but at least its peaceful now.
My parents destroyed their four children's relationships by playing favorites. Looked good from the outside. I didn't get it until age 59, eight years of no contact. And I didn't stop there either.
They have destroyed my family for sure. As the result I will never have grandchildren.
My father destroyed my family. He had no business being married or having children. In the process my mother became selfish and cared only about her needs when they divorced. My adult life has been completely demolished. I don't know how to be a real human being nor enjoy the simple pleasures of life.