"Which woman did you have in Mos Espa Spaceport?" Brilliant, Charlie. It almost made me choke on my food watching this. That was a missing link in Star Wars lore!!
"I didn't lose a f*cking planet!" Made my day, thanks 😅
Captain Jack Sparrow impression was chefs kiss.
Can't believe Obi-wan lost a planet. A mandalorian would never
I want to meet the character who decided to program a droid to be a pirate. Like some guy was smart enough to program a semi-sentient droid, but also thought that the best personality to give him was a naval thief from Earth, circa 1700.
Love that Anakin has an acronym for 'Youngling Massacre Moves'. Lol! YMM!!!
Requoting your own quotes as if they're cannon? Genius. I approve
Just want to say again, this series is one of the best things on YouTube. Thank you.
"Train the rat squirrel" is the shirt we actually need
Its canon for me now that Qui-gon and Shmi were a thing off-screen.
Obi Wan: "Who was the woman in Mos Espa?" Qui Gon: "Uhmm..." Anakin (after it clicks in this thick skull): "Hey!!"🤔🤯
Oh that question about which woman Qui-Gon had on Mos Espa killed me! And the reaction was gold!
I don't know why Wim is so hung up on being a Jedi, if you want to be a Jedi you can just BE a Jedi. You don't even need training anymore, you can just use the Force. There are no rules anymore (Thanks, J.J. Abrams!).
The lost a planet joke and the archives makes me laugh so much. Cmon obi how u losing a planet? 😂
Took Anakin a second but he figured it out.
The ending, omg....the ending!!! lol
“I didn’t lose a Fucking Planet!” 😂😂
Mark my words, that TV will be obliterated by Anakin by the end of the series 😂
Anakin's doing pretty well with the self control so far