
Those zombies sure are hot.... To not freeze solid in that cold


They should add a feature in the next build where there is either a tape or cd you could find and is just one of your YT guides with its actual audio and it gives you some xp of course


i play hardcore wintersurvival with long nights and very low food . 

i love the game " The Long Dark"😅❤


I honestly love the winter more than the summer in Zomboid


Обычный день в Якутске


Dont be like me tho and have that one mod that lets you choose to be a burn ward patient as a trait for points (which also makes you scared of fire) and try to play cryogenic winter... froze to death because couldnt start a fire  >.> super smart


it's incredibly hard to understand why the temperatures are listed in centigrade...uber confusing...


I tried it and it was hell. The car heater does almost nothing, even with 4 layers of clothing I was still getting hypothermia after like 5 minutes of being outside and I was sick non stop. I'm not good at zomboid so it was even harder


Would alcohol make you faster?


Idk if it’s js me but for some reason the car heaters just don’t help at all


We need a mod that lets us fight with our hands


Zomboids are worse than zombies