
All levels of cheating, all levels of contempt, all levels of aggression and violence, all levels of taking advantage of and being entitled, all levels of hindering your partner's growth and happiness, all addictions, etc, are perfecty valid deal-breakers. Taste in music, ways of using tooth-paste, prefering coffee or tea, beard or clean-shaven, high-heels or low, are perhaps petty deal-breakers, but however, be honest about them if they matter so much to you, that they can get in the way of your loving feelings, as it is good to know how mature your partner is. Your first commitment should be to do what you can to stay loving, and if you can't, break up.


I admire the unwavering support you add to society in your work. 
You have such a strong moral compass.
You are a great man.


This is one of your best videos


what a great way to say it Orior! your choice is not to "fix", it is to love and accept, or not and move on to other options.


"4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast... It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth." 1 Cor 13


I love the Soft White Underbelly interviews he give. I feel they are more nuanced, humanistic, and less about transactional, conditional exchange for relationships. We can really see both sides of his knowledge, and I really enjoy that because sometimes I feel irritated by the pragmatism and rationalization of relationship survival advice he give. love your content


Cheating is for losers


Thank you for always showing us where we can hear the full episode.


It's simple just love a person and as soon you start to analyse your  partner then you are not in tune within yourself ...


Wanting the best for them is not disrespect, in this sense, it’s knowing she can do better. She might not know it, but I have a unique perspective that she cannot see. 10+ years in psychology means I can discern those limiting~beliefs from a mile away.


This is a significantly better short format. I love it, like this comment if you do too so he can see


It is a matter of love and how it's shown.


Hmmm… how far would this dealbreaker really go tho? Because if someone is wearing a perfume or cologne that you absolutely ‘no like’, uhhh… is saying the truth …trying to change them personally? Would this be a form of disrespect… how far is too far before you end up being unnatural yourself? Or end up having to walk on eggshells…. Afraid to upset them.

Because if my man says I’d rather you wear a tight dress than tight pants tonight, I don’t take offense to stuff like that. I don’t view it as trying to change me. I view it as personal preference.

…if we are doing something thoughtless that upsets our partner and they tell us about it, is that really them trying to change us or is it meant to alter a behavior pattern in order to prevent ill feelings from building up..?

What about if our partner picks up the bad habit of smoking, are we supposed to just let them smoke and say this is who they’ve become… without saying anything? Or do we light one up right next to them?

I think that sometimes we need to change and the people closest to us help us to do just that. We just don’t need to be made to feel bad about it. 

If it’s meant for our betterment I think that’s different than someone trying to change us just to suit themselves. And very different than someone who is never satisfied with anything you do. Or someone who is constantly putting you down or making you feel like you’re not good enough as you are. 

Who we are often changes as a direct result of other people anyway. Whether we wanted to change or not, it’s just part of how we evolve. If we are going to change, it needs to be for our betterment. Not all of our personal growth is linked to hurt feelings from our past. Someone wanting us to make an alteration is not necessarily them rejecting us as we are either.


I use the same criteria when I go to a used car dealer lot, I want a reliable car, with well-maintained record documentation, good on gas, no accidents, no rust or major dents, yea? If it does not meet this criteria, it's a deal breaker for me, yea? I've driven a lot of vehicles, yea? I can sense anything surreptitious, yea? I don't LOVE women I WORSHIP them, yea? I must say they are rare, yea?


Totally agree! But sadly there are virtuous people out there who say they don’t judge but actually do all the time under the guise of pointers you could improve! As if only they are the auditor of right or wrong good or bad rude offensive or funny!


so true


Nagging, complaining, blaming, disrespecting