
Beautiful script. Stunning imagery. Love that you wandered a bit. Looking forward to the next one. Thank you!


I've watched a lot of bicycle and motorcycle journeys such as the divide for a while.  I can't get over how much creators tend towards hurrying through vs taking their time and hiking, spending some extra days etc.  I hope we can all find a way to do that in our lives.  The journey is the experience.  Take your time then hurry home.


Wow. I love all your videos, man. But this one...I'm speechless. This one is different. It hits hard. Loved every second of it. May the wind be always at your back. Be good!


your story telling is just so beautiful and well put together, making me just want to take the bike and ride out without thinking about consequences or responsibilities! living these adventures through your videos. Thank you!


Awsome, raw and real. Anyone that has been thru a difficult break up can relate. Thank you for being your genuine self and sharing your experience  with us. Peace be with you.


Thank you Tristan for opening up your heart to us. It is the true mark and measure of person's character. We are all vulnerable because we are all human. Your journey is your journey, and we are blessed to tag-along vicariously on this amazing discovery-adventure. Thank you again for distilling what works and what doesn't on your trips, it's super helpful and very gracious of you. Continued success mate! 😎👍



As they say, the trail provides... and your journey on the Divide certainly delivered. Through difficult times, it provided  a space where you could rediscover clarity and meaning. Nicely done! Wishing you the very best Tristan. Thank you for bringing us along!


"The only story you could tell" Was an exceptional story you told! Thanks for sharing your Dash!!!  -  Davey


The “only story you could tell” is still great story telling. Really nicely done. I’m thankful for your authenticity. So many other content creators out there over exaggerate the highs and lows or gloss over the reality; you rode the divide perfectly.


Great film Tristan. All the best for the future mate and hope things work out for you.  👍🚴


Your honesty and heart shine through.  I find this video very inspiring, even if that wasn't your intention.  Thank you Tristan.


Beautifully done, Tristan.  Thanks for sharing your heart, your trials and challenges, and your adventure.  Look forward to more!  Happy and safe travels. ❤


Well told, Tristan. You really provided insight into the highs and lows of the journey. Looking forward to the next chapter. Cheers.


As always - lovely footage and editing and a sincere, personal story - always appreciated.


Watched this lying on my sofa feeling beaten, having ridden 120miles over this glorious weekend in the UK.  The fact you rode 3000+ miles, detoured, hiked, camped, ate and took such stunning video blows my mind.  Awesome 👏🏼


Splendid story telling. Thank you.


Good job, Tristan and thanks for the excellent video. RIP Iohan, the bike wanderer 😢


It’s a powerful video, as you show your vulnerability through loss and solo trip over the duration. Either way, you’re doing what you love and that’s so important because it could have come to an end so easily..

Keep going mate.


Great video and thank you for sharing.


This is your best one yet, man. Well done.