
Thank you for this video. I highly recommend this to anyone with chronic pain. I was at a 7+ back pain level daily. Now I'm at 0-3 pain level. Life changing medical device. Also you can say bye to almost all pain meds too. Gave me my life back.


I am not a doctor or chiropractic ⚠️⚠️
Always keep the right abdomen straight , avoid bending too much,  too long 
Always exercise abdomen muscle , left or  right shacking 💪 💪🙏🙏🙏5 December 
Try to keep head , shoulders , backbone inclined slightly backwards as nervous canals inside backbone is damaged due to long-term inclined front ✌️✌️💪💪🙏🙏🙏


Be careful they do work but they do have a downside they put it in my back in 2016 and then after it was in they advised me I could not drive when I have it on... And I had to turn it up so high to block the pain It wasn't working right they took it out in 2017 and then they advised me I needed a faster running model at that point I was just done... Just research research research It is a good technology but like I said it has its downside