
Learn fingerstyle guitar with my courses: https://courses.enareths.com/


When the teacher tells you to go home and practice a classical piece


This is pure fire. I do not get how anyone can dislike this.


"Took his time to perfect the beat"


God bless YouTube recommendations!


Played this at my new school......

Now it's old school


teacher: so you wanna learn guitar?
Me: you ever heard that Dre track wit snoop? 
teacher: say no more fam


Unbelievable groove! That’s not only guitar mastery. He feels the vibe.


Represent all the gangsta guitar around the world, still...


I want this to be my phone ringtone, my morning clock alarm, my doorbell, my microwave bip and the music played when you push that little button on my tombstone.


Every time I watch you, it thrills me. So much talent and hard work.


I'm so lucky I found this from Spotify as well - it's way easier to repeat this whole day. I'm not lying when I say I looped this one day over 10 hours. 
Brilliant work - I wish I'm this good some day with guitar!


I can't describe how good it feels when I'm listening to this! Could you in any way have a tutorial for this?


this is the most beautiful thing I have seen or heard on youtube in last 12-14 years.


I showed this to my dog.

Now he's now a dawg!




Acoustic Gangsta.
Teacher - can anyone play classical?
Student - yeah I can play a classic miss. Pass the guitar bwoy.


I played this to dre

He’s Still Dre


Words can never do justice to the awesome perfection of 0:55 👏🏾


Как же это круто и нереально красиво, хочется так же играть научиться