


If you're looking for voice actors I've always wanted to be in a Barbie straight-to-DVD style movie!


As a 3d filmmaker. PLEASE start with a short 2 min official preview. Animated features 5 min or longer are very difficult to gage how difficult full cg is. (Even if it's intentionally less professional) and 3 day problems can be dodged easily once you get a good lay of the land. Good luck!


Weirdest thing just happened... I was telling my parents about the BBCU and Kickstarter for Atlas' movie, when my mother just blurted out "Oh yeah, I remember Atlas." Naturally I was stunned. 

Turns out as a kid, she had a piano teacher who collected comic books, and she'd read them during her sibling's piano lessons. I was psyched about that, and she was really happy someone was reviving the character. Thanks for this, Austin! I really hope the movie turns out well!


"You know those terrible straight-to-video animated Barbie movies?"

Say no more, I'm in.


>Atlas loses the need for glasses.

Fact: The lenses in your eyes are controlled by muscles, which is what lets you refocus them as needed (and why your eyesight worsens in old age; the muscles weaken)

What if some of the secret exercises taught to him involved flexing his EYES, thus allowing him to correct his vision at will


I feel like theres an unexplored theme here around self confidence. 

Cause Jim does try to get the lady and sick up for her in a fight. Like, he wasn't a coward, he did the hard part. He just wasn't prepared.


My main concern would be that "intentionally bad" works tend to try too hard to be funny. I'd say look to Adam West Batman for inspiration on how to do a campy superhero story right.


Honestly Public Domain Cinematic universe is a genuinely grand idea that could be a fun series of youtube crossovers if nothing else.

Get TaleForge, Net Narrator, and the like to help do narration and voicework or just readings. Have a modern day radio drama.


My only concern is with Linda, if any character needs to change, it's definitely her. Like Jim helped her brother fight off the gangsters, but she berates him because he got beat up pretty badly? Maybe if you wanted to play off his cowardice, he could've ran away. Maybe she's not berating him, and that's just him deciding to go training, or she stays the same, but Jim doesn't end up with her because he realizes that he's better off without her.


The BBCU will be the best cinematic universe ever, just y'all wait.


"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates
I think having atlas spout some wisdom like this would sell the idea that he chose Jim because he has all the pieces to become a good man, he just needs to put in the effort. Him being an IT guy and being more of an intellectual during his early life isn't wrong, but it is wrong to stay weak and only push one part of his humanity, that being his mind instead of his body.
“The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” — Thucydides.


Purposefully going for a, “so bad it’s good” movie usually results in a movie that can get overly self-aware, full of inside jokes, and forgettable.

It might be fun to make, but not so fun for others to watch. 

I wish you the best though and hope you have fun with it. Just wanted to drop my thoughts on it! Have a great rest of your week!


someone else said it, but I'll repeat it

I love love love this whole idea of the BBCU, but be careful of the mindset of intentionally making a "so bad it's good" movie. I feel like that's the wrong mindset, you can make something goofy and ridiculous but you still have to like it, it still has to be good in it's humor and campiness.

Someone mentioned the 1960s Batman movie, and while I haven't seen it, from what I know about it it's probably a great source of tonal inspiration for this whole idea


I want people to think that a 15 year old Australian plays the gorilla. Like it's actually a grown Florida man but we will all pretend it's played by a 15 year old Australian.


I just found and read Daring Adventures 18 online (its in the public domain so its easy, and free), and there is one part of the story I liked and you ommited. Jim gets visited by Atlas not once, but TWICE. The second time is right after finishing his training and getting all his muscles. He visits Linda to show off his new bod, Linda is impressed but tells him she is afraid because Duke called her and said he was going to see her soon. Jim figures "okay, I'm just a guy, not much I can do. I mean, I have muscles and all but one guy can't do much"
As soon as he gets back home, Atlas appears before him again, and in a nutshell tells him "Are you freaking kidding me!? I gave you the secrets to become the strongest man on the planet, you could stop a car if you wanted to, and you are NOT going to do anything about a simple mobster? What the heck is wrong with you!?"
And THEN Jim decides to make himself a superhero costume, finde Duke, and stop his plans.
The whole exchange there gives off the impression that, before putting on the costume, the only reason Jim started to do Atlas' secret workout was just so he could impress Linda and not to be a hero.


"Terrible straight to video Barbie movies"?! Sir, I'll have you know that those films SLAPPED. I remember as a kid that they were real bangers; my favourite was the one with the evil, fairy-consuming dark monsters.


no youtuber puts as much effort into the kind of "ha ha what if we did this" ideas that most people would never actually attempt as austin


Little late to the party here but I am glad to see this BBCU getting some traction going. My only concerns are Linda's character and the lack of villains who could pose an actual threat to Atlas. Here are some ideas for handling those issues...

1) For Linda, maybe give her a background where she too went through hardships similar to Jim. Unlike Jim, Linda did not have anyone there to help her overcome these hardships, forcing her to harden up and become a stronger person at the cost of becoming not a really nice person. Jim's timidity and weakness are things she looks down upon since it reminds Linda of what she was like growing up. But rather than offer encouragement or support, she projects her buried bitterness and self-loathing onto Jim after he gets taken down by the thugs. Later on, after Jim becomes Atlas, Man of Might, he develops a friendship with Linda and learns about why she acts this way. I wouldn't want a romantic relationship between them but a more platonic one built on respect and admiration for each other's personal strengths and improvements. This emphasizes a message about the importance of healthy self-improvement, both physically and mentally, and becoming a better happier person if one is unhappy about how they are as opposed to just, ya know, just buffing up for the sole purpose of getting laid. 

2) For the villains, everything would revolve around Andy. In an attempt to guide Andy down a better path, Jim teaches him some of the secret exercises he learned from Atlas so he can get fit and defend himself. This does not dissuade Andy from his dark path and he instead betrays Atlas by sharing those same super-empowering exercises with the Duke's henchman when Atlas begins dismantling their criminal operations to basically force Linda's little brother into giving up crime. To accelerate the process, these henchmen use steroids thus developing their powers in a matter of days whereas it took Jim months to achieve his own strength. Unlike Jim, who had potential but no incredible physical skills beforehand, the Duke's henchmen each gain different forms of physical enhancement centered around a specific skill they previously possessed...

-One henchman who was good at throwing can now throw super hard. Possible Nicknames: Pitch, Lob, or Hurl.
-Another henchman with a pretty mean kick is now able to kick with incredible force. Possible Nicknames: Boot or Punt.
-A very large henchman with a devastating tackle can now charge through solid brick walls like a juggernaut. Possible Names: Pain Train, Blindside, or Impetus.

These henchmen prove to be quite the nuisance for Atlas though not really all that hard to take down once Jim uses his smarts as well as his brawn to figure out their physical enhancements are limited to those special abilities. Thus, though Pitch/Lob/Hurl and Boot/Punt can throw and kick really hard respectively, neither possesses astounding strength nor durability. Additionally, Pain Train/Blindside/Impetus can charge through solid brick walls, but breaking stone is pretty much as far as his tackling strength takes him, with stronger materials only resulting in a painful concussion. 

For The Duke himself, I would have him gain strength surpassing that of Atlas but with one crucial weakness: His stamina and endurance suck due to the artificial steroid boost. Think of the Rocky Balboa films where Atlas wins out through sheer resilience before knocking the exhausted Duke down to the floor with a solid finisher. Following this, a reformed Andy helps Atlas dismantle the rest of the Duke's criminal empire. Meanwhile, the crime boss and his henchmen spend time recovering from their injuries. When they do recover they find their physical enhancements are now gone and their bodies are suffering from permanent side effects. Pitch/Lob/Hurl can no longer throw due to his arms being frail and weak; Boot/Punt experiences cramps in his legs; Pain Train/Blindside/Impetus suffers from concussion; The Duke is left bedridden due to his muscles atrophying. This highlights the severe consequences of using steroids to achieve faster results in physical improvement.

And that is it. Just some ideas I wanted to throw out there. Hope they are to the readers' liking. Enjoy :)


Sanderson: Secretly writes stories and gets $30mil on Kickstarter.
McConnell: I'm gonna try that.

This will be the first Kickstarter I've ever supported!