thank you so much for everything! otsuikey :_heart: timestamps 2:21 LMAO 3:42 start 4:04 Imagine Dragons based 4:50 \HOW WAS AR LIVE/ 7:05 台パン (awww his dreams come true) 8:01 Ethyria 3D starts this week! :_cheer: 8:46 phew 10:45 he got some sweet messages & friends code 12:32 the favorite part of AR Live🪑 14:11 he wanna see the Niconico danmaku 14:44 talking about Shu's metal scream :_fanboy: 16:05 he dancing in heels 👠 17:32 about Luca 21:36 Millie dab too :elbowcough: 21:56 hi heel-kun 22:17 the babygirl movements & talk about Alban 23:47 "Sonnyban REAL" -Ike Eveland 2024 24:28 (snap fingers) pew pew pew pew 24:39 talking about Uki 29:00 T pose 29:09 oh no he can't hear us he has airpods in 30:49 he built a tower, 31:55 Shu: "what the heck" :_4kquill: 32:50 drawing time 37:43 talking about the choreography of Hitd and JotC, 38:28 oh Jazz ♪ 39:04 his favorite part of choreography 39:28 sasuga Rosemi sama, 39:56 (tskr) 41:38 Sonny broke the fan LMAO 43:28 talk about Vox:_headpat: 44:15 about Mysta's vocals and they do this in Hitd :_pien: 47:06 ya boi working so hard (ayo a few covers :_excite:) 49:46 phew 50:42 he saw muryoku-p's tweet and TCB mama 51:05 A 52:06 about Kagami shajo :_pien: 53:56 the Legxiem part (ty staff-san) 57:47 hope everyone can singing their solo (continue)
Ike you really preformed amazingly!! I keep replaying you singing MAZE. Even my dad sat to watch and was very impressed! I can't wait to see you preform in 3D again 💙
Thank you for the wonderful stream Ikey~! :_heart: Congrats on AR LIVE! So happy that it finally happened! Everyone did amazing!!
アイク!配信ありがとう!! とても楽しい配信でした! ゆっくり休んでくださいね!!
Otsuikey! Seeing you in 3D brought me to tears, I hope you get more chances to exist in the 3D world soon! :_heart:
OtsuIkey! Thank you for the 🦍stream and making time to share this excitement with you and Quilldren! AR LIVE WAS SOOOOO AMAZING! I literally cried every single songs that you sang😭 I'm watching the live every day since it’s happened! 色んな目標や夢をどんどん叶えていくikeyの姿,本当にかっこいいです!🥺
I finally caught just a few minutes of an ikey stream FINALLY!!! Im always asleep at his usual time so this was a little treat for me ☺️ Congrats on AR live!!!!!! Your entry performance literally changed my life so thank you for that lol!! HERES TO EVEN MORE FUN CONCERTS AND EVENTS!!🎉
otsuikeyyyy!! thank you so much for the gorilla! CONGRATS ON AR LIVE. THE PERFORMANCES WILL LIVE RENT-FREE IN MY HEAD ESPECIALLY MAZE. i will always be grateful that i got to see your glorious performance. i'm so proud of you and will continue to support you. i wanna be there for every achievement you get:_cheerquill: looking forward to your plans this week!! take care of yourself.:_pien: i hope you get well soon:_heart::_headpat:
Otsuikey, thank you for the stream! Congratulations on AR live it was so much fun to watch everyone did amazing :_heart: All of the debut goals are complete!! Now we gotta do the others goals hehe :_excite:
Otsuikey!! AR Live was incredible; im so happy and proud to call myself a quilldren:_quill: Can’t wait to see you and Niji EN on more stages in the future:_cheerquill:
Otsuikey! I really love your message everytime you end stream. Thanks to you that i learn how to appreciate and be kind to myself more ;; life sometimes suck but knowing there's always kind people in it, reassure me to keep doing my best! So best of luck to everyone, be the best version of yourself that you can be <3 (sorry im esl, english is hard)
Otsuikey! :_cheerquill: Thank you for the stream! Congrats on the AR live and on the 3D! :_fanboy: Hearing you talking about it makes me smile to see the model pictures and happy to hear that you guys had lots of fun. I'm so proud of you and everyone, all of you deserve this special moment. Rest well, we love you always :_heart::_headpat:
Otsuikey!! It's nice to finally hear your voice again🥹 You and everyone else did so good at AR life, it really was a blast. I can't wait for what comes next. Thank you for the nice zatsu, even If I couldn't catch much of it:_heart:
Thanks for the stream!! "take 2"is so funny and i saw what you did in take1 title LMAO:_laugh::_laugh::_laugh::_laugh: *for vod viewers, he aciddently pressed the end stream button and the stream only had 2 secs:_laugh:so this stream was take 2. So happy for you ikey! You did so well in ARlive:_cheerquill: Otsu!
OTSUIKEY! :_heart: I didn't realize i sent an off topic supa, I'm sorry! At the time, I had everything muted, since I was still on my connecting flight lol I ended up buying a bit of Internet connection to chat with my friends (i miss them so much already :_ikecry:), and thankfully I had enough time to watch the whole vod! Glad to have you back :_boi:, and hopefully I can catch some stand while I'm traveling! :_cheer::_cheer::_cheer:
Otsuikey! Thank you for the fun stream. Congrats on AR LIVE! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. Thank you for blessing us with wonderful performance. Maze was so memorable amongst all. Definitely changed my life. I’ll continue to support you and cheer for future achievements youll accomplished. Get well soon and take care :_heart:
OTSUIKEYYY :_fanboy: thank you for the wonderful post AR Live zatsu :_party: Getting to see such a dream come true to a lot of livers all together wad very emotional, especially thinking about all that it took for us, livers and community to get here... SO LET'S GET TO CELEBRATING :_glowstick1::_cheerquill::_glowstick2: you did an AWESOME time opening Vivid Stage, I think I'll never be able to forget that Maze performance and all the emotions that it carried along with it! Everyone worked so hard, the tributes to our friends were beautiful and emotional, and we get to finally say.... OTSU AR LIVE :_cheerquill::_heart: OTSU NIJI EN :_party::_heart: MAY THIS BE THE START OF A NEW ERA FILLED WITH WONDERFUL PROJECTS, from livers and fans (;3) alike!! :_quill::_heart:
OtsuIkeyy !! ArLive was so so good ! I am glad I got to witness (hehe) these amazing performances ♡ We can totally see all the efforts you guys put on this stage and I hope you can do even more event like that in 3D !
otsuikey, thank you for the stream(s) :_laugh: in seriousness, so super proud of you, congratulations on AR Live once again! you and the rest of EN participating really brought their a-game and you all DELIVERED!!! the future is so bright and may more big dreams come true :_heart: maraming maraming salamat oshi, i hope you have a lovely day