
There’s enough evidence to show Kevin De Bruyne is among the greatest midfielders of all time. We are blessed and honoured to watch such a talented footballer .


How can people still say modric is better . He is on another level


KDB is the best midfielder to ever play in the prem


I love to see debruyne back ❤


Kdb the goat for real


best midfielder in the world for me after 6months injury he comes back and u just see the diffrence immediately


Bro had a terrible life...bt at the end he made it...huge love for him...❤


Kdb is the best player in premier league history


My favourite Kevin dre brune 💙⚡👊😊


Ayoooo that was quick


Fantastic video, i want to use of the first song for my next video


to quote a Finnish commentator: "Heaven de Bruyne"


Kdb is the Goat 🐐


I still think he is the best premier league player of all time even better than Henry


kdb and Ronaldinho goat payers and gods of football


Im convinced kdb is a saiyan because he keeps getting stronger everytime he comes back from injury


3:35 it should be city 4 - 0 west brom


Goat midfielder in the Premier league, an absolute legend of the game 💙💙💙


Last goal was sensational