I am truly grateful for all her exercises. I can choose to hear her explain things or not. she's wonderful, she really focuses on showing us what to do, and how to do it. She keeps me flexible, my blood circulating, and just feeling good. I'm so grateful I found her about a year ago.
This was perfect for me this Monday morning! I have to go work an hour early to set up passwords for everyone for our medical system that was down since Thursday afternoon😊 Have a great day and thank you for being here!!!!❤
Why not dance with such a cheerful coach! Thanks Jules for the burst of energy, have a great week!
I try to get up earlier most days and do one of these workouts. They set me up for a calm day. Gets rid of all the extra energy I have and I’m much less likely to become irritable. Im 66 and still like to work at my job so with the every day stresses in the world these workouts change the whole day for me. Also a word to the wise, Turn off the news. It will help your stress level immensely.
Hi Jules 👋 👋 I love the 10min workouts 💪 😄. It better then just doing nothing. ❤❤Thanks for all you do for us.
WOW! You were exactly right! This workout was just what I needed to drag myself out of an energy slump today!! Loved it!
Needed something short to go with a strength workout. Limited time. Perfect. Thank you
Love the words at the end: month of progress or month of excuses! Great reminder:)
Day 3 done with light weights to your latest video + this 10 minutes dance workout! I'm puffed but thanks Jules! A x🎈
Too much pollen to do my outside walk so I’m here getting down to the moves. Happy Spring🌿☘️🍃🌷🌹🌺🌸🌹🌷💐
What a great pick me up for this morning! Your posts are always motivating and I love that there ae so many choices! Thank you!
Love this! Thanks Jules❤. I’ve been travelling for 3 days and settling in for 2 more. In Myrtle Beach for a month so getting back to workouts. This 10 minute magic is a perfect restart!
Thank you for making these workouts! I love the music, the timers, the previews and little talking! There are many out there trying to make walking workouts, but you are the best!
Hi Julie! I did one of your 20 min workouts and then did this. Perfect!! Thanks for sharing your Energy!!
Just discovered your videos this winter & I absolutely love them! I like that there's no talking during your workouts, the countdown times are displayed & the next movement is shown. Simple & effective! Now, you have to share (pleeeeeease) the brand of leggings you're wearing because I love the pastel swirl pattern! They are lovely.
I’ve done this video several times before as well as some of your other short workouts, and it is truly amazing which you can get done in 10 minutes. That’s why people should not get discouraged. You can’t get out into your life, physical activity, think how many 10 minute segments you spend each day sitting in front of the television when you could be doing something to improve your health and make you feel good.
My Mama and I love seeing your smiling face in the morning as we watch your low impact/senior work outs. We certainly enjoy your videos. Thank you!
Hi Jules. I just finished 46 minutes of your other videos and I felt I wanted to do a little more, when this workout arrived on Youtube. It was a perfect end to my exercises today. Thank you
I used this one as a warmup for one of your strength workouts. Perfect!