4:16:42 Tbone bhai, I am frm Odisha, There were Mercantile classes in ancient chola period 9th century AD called "Chetty" That guild continued further during Vijayanagar Empire 13th century southen Odisha was also under vijayanagar. Odisha till 1936 was under madras province. These chetty refined to shetty and in Odisha now it became 'sethi' .
3:11:04 - na manre 3:14:11 - sasta undertaker 3:46:44 - gang gang scene heavy 3:49:36 - gorilla ka biceps dekho 4:04:01 - chacha ko toda + heavy RR 4:05:56 - 😂 4:06:25 - win ko toda 4:07:53 - chacha ko toda 4:10:00 - mcbj 4:19:09 - dil se bura laga bahi 4:22:18 - ye dar acha laga 4:30:42 - bagherra 😂 4:34:10 - very professional 4:34:58 - wtf 4:35:20 - 😂 4:37:11 - xd 4:39:15 - Fortnite 😂 4:45:25 - 💩 4:47:00 - friend zone lol +1min
bhai Chabra Sahab ka alag he chalu hota hai pure Situation mein.
1:50:25. Very relastic
4:50:30 TbOne bhai to saand ka doodh peete hain
Who is mota bhai ?? 😂😂😂
Aaj new game ka seen tha kya seen
4:09:59 Doremon op😂
Let's go new game today split faction day it is
Chalo aaj split faction hai let's go
W stream
W Rp
kyu nahi horahi split fliction
4:50:30 wtf 😂
Mt kr lala
Chapra is total nonsense Pls don't take him