
I also recommend having an art peer/friend who is as enamoured with art as you are to help inspire you! Art discords or art streams are good for building this. But you have to be careful not to become overwhelmed by negative emotions bc it should be fun, so make sure you're not lost in art grind culture or something.


To be honest I'm in an art dip. I don't know if I'm simply in a spot where my eyes are farther than my skill level or what, but its been difficult to see where my strengths are currently! It's been a struggle to even find the right ways to challenge myself and improve in the areas I want to improve in!


Honestly, that "Shiny Object Syndrome" thing feels like a personal call out lol
I have SO MANY THINGS I want to do. Recently I did commit myself to a little project though, a Comic (thanks to that Minimum Viable Project video you made) so I've got some more focus now.

P.S. Good luck on the Stormfellers project. I only recently found out about it and honestly, I'm super intrigued. Excited to see how it'll turn out :)


Perfect timing motivating me to get my ipad and procreate out to finish new challenges!


Everything I make feels "cringe" despite my friends and family liking my characters.

    I've always been one to figure out on my own how to continue improving and creating challenges for myself, and that's why I've improved so much at anatomy, construction, and gesture over the past year; however, I feel like the overarching ideas behind my designs are lacking somehow. 

    Despite my stories being compelling, I've always felt that the characters in the stories I make are basic, even though there's clear ideas and stories behind them. A good way to put this feeling is that my characters feel the same as the "stereotypical" OCs you'd find from a kid that just hit puberty, again, despite my characters not looking basic at all.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but this is my number one issue with my characters and I feel like my creativity is being held back because I'm afraid of being put in the same category as the basic "Mary Sue" artists. If anyone has (or had) the same issue as me, is there a way to challenge my designs to stand out? Cheers!


I always wondered why I could never work up the motivation to do practice exercises to help improve my art—things like drawing a hand over and over again, things that didn’t result in a finished project. Hearing that goal-oriented progress is legitimate too opened up my eyes. I always assumed I was being lazy and stupid, and that doing projects wasn’t enough. Now I’m excited to focus more on doing specific projects to improve on specific things 😊


This is good advice, thank you.
For several months in 2020 and 2021 I was seriously going nowhere with my art. I was creating a lot, for myself, but in no particular direction, and nothing was improving. I was like "Is this my cap?" I didn't know how to make any new progress, I had a couple very vague glimpses of natural style coming through but everything else seemed forced. So I learned a tip from a friend and what I've been doing recently is slowly inching myself out of my comfort zone by using random character description generators and only working with the information I'm given. It's (kindly) forcing me to do things I never would have thought of doing, things I've never wanted to draw, characters I never would have imagined. A lot of the time I think "do I really have to do this? I don't know if I can get it to look good," but I try anyway. And even if I can't get the drawing to work, in a way I think I end up liking every single one of them just because they're fresh to me, and I had to problem-solve to get there, which helps develop my style immensely. I never walk away from an exercise like that feeling like I haven't grown at least little. My skills have shot up in the past month. If I get to another place where I feel like I've plateaued with my ideas, I think that's always gonna be a good boost to get me thinking more flexibly again.

Also, I love your Leyendecker study.


I've been feeling hungry to challenge myself lately, and I've actually found a way to do it via my brand work! It's very encouraging and keeps art fun and my curiosity and student mindset alive


I needed to hear this, challenging myself in an artistic way is something I should absolutely be doing more of.


Been very obsessed with Namco classics as my drawing subjects. They mostly remind me of my childhood, but I've also just been fascinated with their various shapes and designs (game play and memories aside).


I always feel like I've got the "shiny object syndrome" but it's more of a case of me just having a limited amount of energy to work with to begin with. The fact that thinking/planning is a free action for me just exacerbates it all. I have all the plans coursing through my head at any given moment, but I always fail to choose the smallest to begin working with because I always feel paralyzed that I'm going in the slightly wrong direction. I've lately realized that maybe if I start with something personal to me and go from there, I can start--which is why many of my projects that are interlinked have parts slowly forming from the ether. I'm just taking what I like the most and fleshing things out, even though it's slower than most people.


Been watching your videos all this past week. I've been trying to use some of the tips I have picked up. Today I took an old character drawing and reworked it with that character's current design. Right now I'm working on an old character's design to make them fit in to that same world as the previous character.


Very inspirational. I love how so much of your content is valuable to any form of art. Visual, literary, cinematically, even musically, with a strong dose of psychology. It's not your typical art tube channel.


Just before I watched this video, I got a random feeling to make semi-realism art, the PRACTICE BEGINS


I recently started watching your channel and I love it so much.


Currently our assignment in drawing is doing master studies. I'm struggling hard when it comes to prying myself out of my comfort zone, but after watching this I think I can come back to class a bit more confident than I was earlier today


Really appreciating the thoughts in this, especially about daring to be obscure for a while and not producing stuff that can be shown off. I'm currently giving myself some breathing space, pondering ideas for a new game project (after finishing my last one for a Game Jam in September) and practicing skills here and there. As much as I love projects, there are some art studies/veggies that I never take the time to do while I'm focused on one, so this off-time is a great chance for me to do that. Getting some input for once instead of fixating on output.


I've been sort of challenging myself with my internal story building. I've made several characters now, I have to find a way to make a plot that both connects them all, but keeps them individual and independent. That's my next goal.


Sure I'm not a Character Artist 

You motivated me to enter a RCT2 scenery contest and got me back into Minecraft

Thanks for giving Creativity tips to help anyone who needs it (Whether is the Minecraft Builders or traditional Artists)  and very much earned my subscription back in October


Also bonus points you mentioned the main villain to Donkey Kong Country. Love those N64 games and now I see some of your inspiration!