
I think one reason the body horror hits SO well in this movie is bc aesthetically 90% of the movie is so clean. Lots of pure colors, clean lines and clear shots with crisp close ups. It makes the blood and intentionally disgusting parts hit SO WELL ๐Ÿคข


In a way, Sue wasnโ€™t really fibbing when she said she needed to take care of her โ€œill motherโ€, since Liz gave birth to her and is also clearly mentally unwell.


The date scene was the saddest part of the movie because Demi looked gorgeous and I was like, You look great! Go on the date.


I love the way the group of old men catching her in the hallway is shot ; I think it conveys really clearly the pressure to maintain the facade of perfection even when you're falling apart(literally in her case lol).


The worst body horror for me in the whole film was Dennis Quaid eating shrimp


I love that the creators called the creep 'Harvey'


There were a lot of movies that came out last year where people said something like, "the last twenty minutes of this film are absolutely unhinged." But The Substance is the only film I saw that actually lived up to that claim.


I'm suprise this was nominated for an Oscar, this seems like the type of movies academy would absolutely shoot down for being a horror movie


18:25 It's amazing how many people don't get this scene/film. Fred's appearance yas nothing to do with this scene (but was why she turned him down initially as he's a nobody). This is more about her self perception and how much she hates herself. She never gets out that door because fundamentally she does not believe she deserves any happiness. The idea she could have been happy was too good to be true. She is old and hideous and has no value anymore (in her own mind). It's so tragic. If she had gotten out the door, Fred could have offered her a sense of value for her older self and she may have been able to respect herself in both bodies.


The overall message of this movie really resonated with me so hard. (I'm in my early 40s.) Watching Elizeabeth just wipe off her makeup in the mirror in such a violent manner seriously made me want to reach through the screen and hug her.


This is movie is like the Black Swan. It's a psychological thriller and horror. 
So to me, it made sense it got an Oscar nomination.


I would highly recommend anyone who enjoyed this film watch the behind the scenes video on youtube. I dont recall the name but its about half an hour of awesome practical effects and the director explaining how they made it all happen. Fantastic


3:49 this scene was interesting to me. Because she clearly feels sheโ€™s out of his league, yet is struggling with the reality that the she isnโ€™t in the same league she used to be if you will.


I HATE body horror but I'm OBSESSED with this movie


I think there's a hidden addiction element with The Substance.  Obviously, the main theme is trying to retain youth, but Sue's character could also represent the high of an addiction, whereas Elizabeth's character is coming back to reality.  Similar to the path with most addictions, there's hesitancy at first but once you're hooked it's tough to get back on track even when you hit those stretches of depression.  The Substance feels like a newer version of Requiem for a Dream.


The horror reminded me of Junji Ito stories.. and it's a nice comeback film for Demi Moore. She's still so beautiful in this film. Both of them did a great job. I'm not a fan of gory films but this one is worth watching.


The timing of inserting the Six Flags commercial clip after what she discovers how much she aged KILLED ME ๐Ÿ’€


This deserves every award it can get. This may be Demi's best performance and Coralie Fargeat is on a roll. Margaret Qualley did a great job as the other self, just different enough to feel lke their own person, but similar enough to remember they are one.


18:30 HER HANG-UP ISN'T FRED, IT'S HERSELF BRO. As a women, it actually made me mad to hear you think Fred was still even actively on her mind in that moment. She's in a cycle of self-loathing and comparison, she's trying to look younger. better. Her thoughts are consumed with Sue and herself. I know so many girl who have gone through this exact cycle to get ready, it is never about who we are about to see. It's all about the feeling we are trying to capture within ourselves. If she had actively, logically thought of Fred, she'd have left by now. It's. About. Self.


When that monster put those earrings on...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… I literally laughed from that scene till the end of the movie. Fantastic