
No regulations, no rules, no authorities, modern day slavery. What a shame.


Visited in 93, climbed a rope ladder to have breakfast in the engine room. Fascinating place. Greetings from Australia.


This is from 1993. It would be interesting to know how many men have been killed in that ship yard if you can call it one


4:00 Wow, at first glance I thought that was a young Piers Morgan!  😂


Gonna watch this 2nite before bed. I love old abandoned places, sad but fascinating.


I'm proud of You & Your hard work, You should be getting paid more than $25 per week.
Sad situation.
In Australia you would get close to $5000 per week.
Keep up the good work & be SAFE ☺️


Love documentary,specially
Bec.its us"PAST"..


My Dad was a burner working in demolition recovery in the UK, can't compare the wages as it was many years ago but our family lived in decent conditions and he was well paid compared to other semi skilled jobs plus he made good "bonuses"


I hope this channel shows the real men who work on the ships. No health care. they live in shack made from parts of old ships. If they get hurt, they may get fired Most are missing fingers. this place is a place of shame for India This is where the leader of this country fails horribly


So they got $25,000 for one bronze propeller and probably paid $100 to have it cut up... If the one that made the money off the propeller didn't give them boys an extra $50 a piece he ain't shit


So sad to see😢


Is this graveyard still operational today? There must be a huge environmental impact


Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) wrote a fantastic song called "So far from the Clyde". Basically it was about ships built built in Clyde Scotland, meeting their death in this manner.


There doesn't seem to be much modern equipment to do a huge job like this. Profit over safety, right?
Interesting video!


It is the resting place of old ships, and also the source of raw materials for new ships.😑😑


Thought the skipper was Piers Morgan at 3:58


"Take a bow. No, ...really."


Ten dollars for 3 days of work? Does that even pay for their bread and butter?


Alang started in 1983